How hardy is it?

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Without protection, she gets through the winter time

It is part of the heather family, the pseudo-berry. It is native to parts of North America, Canada and the Himalayas. Due to its homeland, it copes well with frost.

also read

  • What is important in caring for the pseudo-berry
  • The pseudo-berry: poisonous or edible?
  • Planting and caring for shamberry

The pseudo-berry is hardy in this country. Therefore, you do not need to protect your shamrock - whether outdoors or in a pot on the balcony - in winter. It can handle frosts down to -20 ° C without any problems.

Protect in extreme times

If the temperatures drop to extremes, winter protection is not a mistake:

  • also protect as a precaution when replanting in autumn
  • do not put in and overwinter there (too warm)
  • The following are suitable as protection: Fir branches and spruce branches
  • the branches also serve as protection against bald frost
  • For pot culture, cover with fleece and place on the house wall

Do not fertilize any more from August!

It is extremely important that you do not fertilize your pseudo-berries for too long! From August it should

Fertilize can be set. Anyone who still fertilizes afterwards prevents the shoots from maturing / lignifying. Immature shoots are sensitive to frost and frost damage is not long in coming.

Beware of winter wetness and drought

Even in winter care don't miss out. Make sure that the pseudo-berry is not exposed to winter wetness. Drought is also deadly. Check the soil regularly for poppy berries and water if necessary. economical on frost-free days. The evergreen foliage also evaporates in winter water ...

The fruits grow in winter time

The ornamental fruits of the pseudo-berry develop from October. They remain with their bright red color until spring. They withstand the cold and usually do not fall off. That makes the pseudo berry such a valuable plant in winter time!


A bit of sun in winter doesn't do any harm. Quite the opposite: a portion of sun causes the evergreen foliage of the pseudo-berries to turn reddish to brownish.

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