Caring for a bonsai tree »This is how it thrives

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Winter protection

Most bonsai need some form of winter protection. This varies from tree species to tree species and depends primarily on the severity of the winters in your region. Under no circumstances should outdoor bonsai be brought into heated rooms, as this cancels their winter dormancy and causes them to perish. Instead, the trees must be protected from frost and wind, but should overwinter in maximum light. It is often sufficient to isolate the shell and the roots, for example by burying the shell in the field or in a bed of pine needles or similar material. A well-ventilated greenhouse or a cold winter garden are also good options for wintering.

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to water

Bonsai trees mostly die from incorrect watering than from any other reason. Because of the relatively flat bowls for bonsai, the roots dry out much faster than outdoors. Typically, watering needs to be done every day in spring, summer and winter. In winter, the watering is reduced, as the trees also have a much lower water requirement during the rest period. The earth must not dry out.


Bonsai can only develop with regular fertilization. Prefer organic fertilizer, which is available as a powder, granules, as well as in small chunks and balls. The granules in particular are recommended, especially because they can be easily seen on the ground and you can therefore tell when a new dose is due. Atorganic fertilizer acts quickly, making it difficult to assess how much has actually been absorbed by the plant.


After a period of growth, the roots completely fill the shell. A normal potted plant would now be transplanted into a larger pot, in which it has more space for new root growth. The reason for repotting a bonsai is the same, only the method is different. After new space for fresh soil and new root growth has been created by a root cut, the tree is planted back in the same bowl.


With the bonsai, the maintenance cut maintains the existing shape and enables its shape to be continuously improved and refined. Plucking back with your fingers and cutting back the first shoot stimulates a second shoot that grows closer to the twig or branch, which in turn results in bushier and fuller foliage.


Bonsai can be obtained in many ways, for example through seeds, propagation of cuttings, mossing, lowering or grafting.