Gifts for gardeners: what garden lovers will be happy about

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Gifts for gardeners

table of contents

  • plants
  • Seeds
  • Onions
  • Garden tools
  • Books
  • For children
  • The garden planner
  • Decoration
  • Groceries / recipes
  • For nature lovers
  • Coupons

Choosing a gift for someone you love can be difficult. Most of the time the selection is simply too big. This also applies to gifts for gardeners. There are plenty of ways to please a gardening lover. Often it is not even necessary to spend a lot of money. Even small things for the garden can be useful to the hobby gardener. Homemade gifts are particularly unique.


If you know exactly what the recipient is doing in their garden, you can give them a colorful array of plants. Packed in a pretty wicker basket, especially blooming flowers can be a delight. In the gardening trade there are plants for all areas of the garden. In addition to flowers, you will find there, for example:

Permanently blooming
  • Perennials
  • Rock garden plants
  • Summer flowers
  • Herbs
  • Vegetables

If you want to give away vegetables or herbs, make sure that you only select plants for which the gardener has space in the garden and which he likes. If the gift is intended for someone who only has a balcony, so-called mini vegetables are suitable.

Note: When giving away plants to someone who has just started gardening, point out that the plants shouldn't stay in the small pots for too long.


In addition to plants, seeds are very suitable as a gift idea for a hobby gardener. The compilations can be chosen individually. A seed bag can even add value to a simple greeting card.

Cress seeds

Special seed mixtures help with the creation of wildflower meadows or summer flower beds. Mixtures of different types of vegetables enrich not only the garden, but also the kitchen of the recipient. Colorful vegetables can pique children's interest. Seed bands or seed plates are better suited for children than ordinary seeds. They make sowing easier. The seeds do not necessarily have to be bought in specialist shops. Seeds of special plants or vegetables that you have collected yourself are also well received as a gift idea.

Tip: Arrange the seed sachets in a pretty little basket with some decorative material. Do not forget to label the seeds you have collected yourself.


Bulbs are planted on the one hand in spring and on the other hand in autumn. They then bloom in spring or in summer / autumn, depending on the situation. In early spring there are early bloomers in stores, including:

  • Hyacinths
  • Crocuses
  • Grape hyacinths
  • Tulips
  • Daffodils
Driving tulip bulbs, gifts for gardeners
Tulip bulbs

These can be bought in simple plastic pots as well as in small baskets with matching decorations. The first variant is easy to assemble and decorate yourself.

For the gardener who is concerned with self-sufficiency, a mixture of different vegetable onions can also be interesting as a gift. They come in different shapes and colors, such as red, white, and yellow.

Garden tools

If you're looking for a bigger gift, how about a wheelbarrow full of useful gardening tools? Shovel, digging fork, spade, hoe or rake are particularly useful. Make sure beforehand which garden tools are still needed and which the gardener already has in sufficient quantities.

Hand tools that can be bought as a set are ideal for the pot or balcony garden. They consist of a handle onto which various "heads" can be attached. If you like it classic, you can buy individual small tools and give them away together. When choosing tools, consider what material they are made of. They should be durable and robust.

Vessels for the harvest are important for self-sufficiency. The following are suitable as gifts:

Gifts for gardeners, buckets
  • bucket
  • Baskets made of plastic or wood
  • Fruit crates


For garden lovers who like to read, a book is a suitable gift idea. However, the selection of non-fiction books is very large, which can make it difficult to find the right book.

A general work that covers as many different topics as possible and provides assistance and instructions is suitable for newcomers to the garden.

If you know that the gardener has certain preferences, why not wrap a book on this topic as a gift. People who are skilled in their craft will be happy to receive a book that introduces garden projects that you can build yourself. Hobby gardeners who value their own fruit and vegetables may like to read about self-sufficiency.

Tip: The gift becomes even more personal with a dedication and a self-made bookmark.

For children

If you are looking for a gift idea for a child who is enthusiastic about the garden, you will find a wide range of options in toy or garden shops. Many of these things are suitable for children to help out in the garden or to teach them about natural processes such as the growth of a plant. Examples:

Gift children gardening tools
  • small, lightweight wheelbarrows for children
  • Watering cans
  • Tools
  • Grow kits for flowers or vegetables
  • colorful flower pots

Outdoor toys are popular with children, such as a badminton set or larger toy vehicles. An interesting gift idea is a self-made ring toss game made of wood, which can be used well for a children's birthday party.

The garden planner

A garden planner that you have designed yourself is a very individual gift idea. It is suitable for people who have a lot to do in the garden so that they do not lose track of the work to be done. A normal notebook or another planner can serve as a basis. A garden planner should include at least the following:

  • Calendar with space for daily notes
  • Sowing calendar
  • Harvest calendar
  • To-do lists
  • Shopping lists
  • blank sheets for planning projects

You can decorate the planner with matching stickers and give away various pens. Ready-made garden planners can be bought in bookstores.


Garden decoration

Decorative articles for the garden bring joy to many people. If you want to give away a decoration, make sure that it is suitable for its intended purpose. Objects that are constantly outdoors should be weatherproof and waterproof. It can also do no harm if the material used is robust, which reduces the risk of it being damaged outside. If the recipient attaches great importance to sustainability, do not give away any plastic decorations, use wooden items instead. Solar lights, for example, are very attractive and useful at the same time.
Colorful pots for indoor or balcony plants are also decorative.

Groceries / recipes

Gardeners who grow fruit and vegetables may enjoy a collection of recipes that they have compiled themselves. You can summarize these in a small book or a nicely decorated folder. A ring binder has the advantage that the recipient can expand the collection at any time. When choosing the recipes, pay attention to the preferences of the recipient. But maybe he's open to new ideas and you can pique his curiosity with some original, unknown recipes.

Samples from your own garden are also well received by gardeners as gifts. Give away flavored oil, a glass of homemade jam or a mixture of dried fruit pieces for your daily breakfast cereal.

For nature lovers

Most gardens are home to a wide variety of animals and plants. In order to promote biodiversity, nest boxes, bird baths, insect hotels or bird feeding places can be set up. All of this is also ideal as a gift to garden friends. Insect hotels or nesting boxes can be built by yourself with the appropriate instructions. Or give away a corresponding kit and offer to help with the assembly, this is especially good for children.

Insect hotel
Insect hotel

Regardless of whether you make something yourself or buy something, make sure that you use sturdy, durable material so that the gardener can enjoy your gift for a long time. Bird baths and bird feeders should also be easy to clean.


This means both classic vouchers for shops or online shops and personal vouchers. If you know that the recipient has a preference for a particular shop, then it is easy to purchase a voucher from this shop and give it away as a gift. Many vouchers can still be individually decorated or at least packaged nicely.

There is more leeway with a personal voucher. Why not offer your gardening enthusiast your help with gardening or give away a voucher for a gardening course. For owners of many fruit trees, this could be a pruning course, for example.