A guide from A to Z

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When is the Edellieschen planted?

If no more frost is expected in spring, the Edellieschen can be planted carefree. It is best to wait until mid / late May. This frost-sensitive plant does not tolerate night frosts either.

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Is a sunny or shady location a better choice?

The noble little girl not only needs warmth, but also brightness and sunshine. But it cannot get used to the direct midday sun. If it is exposed to the midday sun in summer, there is a risk that its leaves and flowers will burn.

Ideally, the location is sunny to partially shaded. A shady place should not be an option. The Edellieschen hardly develops flowers there and grows sparse. A window sill should be chosen for the culture in the room. Nobody likes to face east or west on the balcony.

Which planters are suitable?

Those who do not plant their noble lizards outdoors and there, for example, in the bed or on the wayside, can put it in pots, tubs,

Flower boxes(€ 149.00 at Amazon *) or cultivate traffic lights. In hanging baskets, a position on the middle level is ideal. Hanging flowers can be planted above and below.

Which plant partners are right for the Edellieschen?

The Edellieschen looks effective next to plants that make its flowers shine even more, embed themselves structurally well around them and the like Location requirements to have. This includes, for example, the following selection:

  • Hostas
  • Ornamental grasses
  • Splendid candles
  • Everlasting flowers
  • Colored nettles
  • Elf spurs
  • Daisies
  • Blue pillows

Which substrate is suitable?

To the later care and above all that Fertilize Not having to overdo it, it is advisable to choose a nutrient-rich substrate. You should also choose a humus-rich, loose and well-drained soil that can be kept slightly moist. A conventional one is sufficient for potted plants Potting soil.


Impatiens New Guinea can be easily grown from seeds. You can harvest the seeds yourself from the end of August and in spring (approx. In mid-March).