Columbine varieties »An overview of the diversity

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Columbine species - an insight

Worldwide there are around 70 types of Columbine. The majority of the gardens in this country are the North American Columbine and the Common Columbine. The common columbine shows violet-blue flowers and is widespread in Europe. The North American Columbine captivates with its blue and white flowers.

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But other species can also be of interest to gardeners. The dwarf painting is just 15 cm tall. A well-known variety is 'Ministar' with its deep blue flowers whose white calyx tips shine out. Other types are the following:

  • Black purple columbine
  • Alpine Columbine
  • Canadian wilderness
  • Snow Columbine
  • Siberian Columbine
  • Gold Columbine
  • Corsican Columbine
  • Red Columbine
  • Small-flowered Columbine
  • Spurless Columbine

Recommended long-spurred varieties

Varieties that have long spurs and single-colored flowers will fit in any one Perennial bed:

  • 'Alaska': white
  • 'Florida': yellow
  • 'Crimson Star': deep red
  • 'Crystal': pure white (especially large flowers)
  • 'Maxi': yellow (spurs curved far outwards, tall)
  • 'Ruby Port': dark red
  • 'Clementine Red': red
  • 'Rose Barlow': pink
  • 'Yellow Queen': golden yellow

If you are looking for something conspicuous, you will find it in the two-tone flowering varieties:

  • 'Kansas': yellow and red
  • 'Georgia': red and white
  • 'Blue Star': light blue and white (large flowers)
  • 'Red Star': carmine red and white (long spurs)
  • 'Chocolate Soldier': greenish-yellow and red-brown
  • 'William Guiness': black purple and white

Recommended filled varieties

Not every gardener likes the double varieties. But if you like them, you have made the right choice with these varieties:

  • 'Black Barlow': black purple
  • 'Blue Barlow': blue-purple
  • 'Christa Barlow': dark blue with white tips
  • 'Pink Petticoat': pink, half-filled

Tips & Tricks

Since columbines have delicate flowers and these appear extremely graceful on the thin stems, the plants look to theirs Heyday best here and there next to other perennials. They are less attractive in groups.