Interesting facts about the beautiful bloom

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Long flowering period

Assuming the plant is properly cared for, the schoplavendel impresses with its extremely long flowering time. If the weather conditions are right, it will bloom as early as May and last - if that is the case performed a summer pruning will - until September. So that blooms Coppy lavender far longer than any other type of lavender. This property makes the potted lavender, due to its characteristic flower shape also called butterfly lavender is a popular pot and balcony plant. However, this type of lavender is not particularly suitable for planting in the garden, as it is not hardy. If possible, potted lavender should be cultivated in a sufficiently large tub and overwintered under cold house conditions.

Tips & Tricks

In addition to its long flowering time, the potted lavender has another special feature compared to the other types of lavender: The plant must never stand or stand in calcareous soil. be fertilized with lime. Therefore, you should also refrain from watering with tap water - which is usually quite calcareous.