Here's how to do it right

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Aloe vera is suitable because of its natural Offshoot to the Multiplication by division, even for an inexperienced gardener. The robust and undemanding succulent plant begins to form daughter plants at the base of the trunk at around three years of age, and these plants grow very quickly. With the affirmative Location and good care Aloe vera forms several offshoots at the same time. To the plant To keep them in shape, these offshoots should be removed regularly.

also read

  • Correct temperature for aloe vera
  • The growth of the vigorous aloe vera
  • plant aloe vera

Propagate aloe vera by dividing

Strictly speaking, the term “division” does not exactly apply to the propagation of aloes. Because it is not a plant that is divided into two or more equal parts, but one of the Mother plant growing sapling, also called "Kindel" in Austria, from the mother plant severed. Except for the missing ones root it is an independent aloe vera in miniature format. To root these, please proceed as follows:

  • Carefully break off offshoots as close to the mother plant as possible or with a sharp knife cut off,
  • Allow cuttings to air dry for several days to avoid mold formation,
  • Offshoots in a container with Potting soil, Cactus substrate or Mixture of earth and sand set,
  • the planter protected from the sun put up,
  • water the substrate sparingly every week,
  • not on the leaves to water, Avoid waterlogging at all costs.


To propagate aloe vera, you don't have to wait for your plant to cuttings. You can just as easily take cuttings from the leaf and grow new plants from them.

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