What care does the lamp cleaner grass need?

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How is pouring?

If you cultivate the grass in the bucket, you must always provide the plant with water when the soil feels dry in the upper area.

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Grasses that thrive in the bed only need to be watered when necessary, for example on very hot summer days. Then water sufficiently and deeply, because the pennon cleaner grass recovered only slowly from damage caused by drought.

Which fertilizers are necessary?

The ornamental grass does not usually need a special one Fertilization. However, if the soil is a little depleted because the grass has been thriving in the same place for many years, you should provide it with additional nutrients. Are suitable:

  • Ripe compost,
  • Complete fertilizer for perennials or green plants.

Is it necessary to cut back?

The pennon cleaner grass should only be trimmed in late spring, shortly before the new shoots emerge. The clumps, covered with hoarfrost, look extremely decorative in winter and decorate the beds that have otherwise become bare. They also offer small creatures a protective shelter.

Cut the leaves in spring about a hand's breadth above the ground. Since the pennon cleaner grass tends to get old, you should dig it up every three to four years and rejuvenate it by dividing it.

Does the plant need special winter protection?

That stands ornamental grass that is not completely hardy In a sheltered place, for example in front of a house wall and in a mild region, no winter protection is necessary.

If this is not the case, you should protect the root area with a warming mulch blanket and spread brushwood over it. To prevent rot, you can also loosely tie the stalks together.

In very rough locations, Pennisetum must be protected from excessive frost by a small winter tent. Stretch bamboo mats or sticks in the ground Garden fleeceso that the stems are not kinked.

You should not use foil, as the moisture builds up under it. As a result, the grass would begin to rot and perish.

What diseases and pests are threatened?

These are not a problem for Pennisetum. The grass only reacts sensitively to waterlogging. You can prevent this with a drainage layer when planting.


Do not cut off the inflorescences, as the seeds provide valuable food for birds in winter.

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