The height of the mango tree

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On plantations, however, it is usually kept below 30 meters so that most of the energy is directed into the fruit development. It also makes harvesting easier later. The mango tree develops a very large crown that can reach a width of 30 meters. So old mango trees are quite impressive.

also read

  • How to Plant Your Mango Tree Properly
  • How to Plant Your Mango Tree Properly
  • Here's how you can grow a mango tree

Of course, a mango tree does not even come close to this size in a planter. That is certainly not desirable either. It is usually cut back to a manageable size so that it can easily be moved to a suitable location for the winter. 2 to 3 meters is a realistic measure.

Where do I plant my mango tree?

Even if you are struggling to find a suitable planter for your mango tree, you should not plant the tree in your garden. Because the mango tree is not hardy. Even in winter it needs temperatures of at least 15 ° C.

A heated greenhouse or conservatory are suitable places for a mango tree. He feels most comfortable in warmth and high humidity.

Planter must be quite high, however, because mango trees have very long tap roots.

Housing conditions for mango trees:

  • tall plant pots
  • Summer temperatures of approx. 25 ° C
  • Winter temperatures of at least 15 ° C
  • high humidity
  • Lime-free water if possible

Tips & Tricks

Are you looking for an exotic plant for your conservatory? Then give a mango tree a try! With a little patience, you can pull a splendid tree out of it core a bought fruit.