Vine strawberries »These varieties form tendrils

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With verve through the bed and into the sky

To be considered Climbing plant or ground cover, strong tendrils on strawberry plants are a basic requirement. The following varieties score with exactly this attribute and offer a wonderful flowering as well as rich fruity hangings on top of that:

  • Hummi Gento: carried several times on stable tendrils, quickly forms a dense strawberry meadow
  • Florika: acts as Ground cover even under trees, annual growth of up to 50 centimeters
  • Spadeka: tirelessly climbs or crawls, early harvest from June
  • Montainstar: tirelessly twines in the bed and on the climbing frame
  • Red Panda: a classic among the climbing strawberries with pink blossoms

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In cultivation hanging strawberries A splendid tendril formation also proves to be an advantage in the planter. Popular varieties here are Merosa, Mignonette and Diamant. They combine their characteristics for vertical cultivation with the highest ornamental value and delicious strawberries.

Non-climbing strawberry varieties

At first glance, you cannot see whether the young plants are forming tendrils or not. So that you can make a well-founded choice of varieties, we present the following popular varieties without runners:

  • Rügen: an old variety with a bushy habit and medium-sized, tasty fruits
  • Alexandria: a monthly strawberry without any noticeable urge to spread
  • White Baron Solemacher: grows upright and bears white fruits
  • Golden Alexandria: golden leaves, not creeping
  • Déesse des Vallées: everbearing monthly strawberry without runners

When buying young plants or seeds, you should therefore pay more attention if you have climbing strawberries in your sights.

Tips & Tricks

Are you a follower old strawberry varieties? Then pay attention to the powerfully climbing classic 'Herzbergs Triumph'. Since this traditional variety was bred from the famous 'Mieze Schindler', it also impresses with its beautiful red color and excellent aroma.