This is how you skin the fruit very easily

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Peel the peaches properly

If you want to process peaches, you should make sure that the fruits are actually ripe. A ripe peach smells appetizing and its flesh gives way a little when pressed lightly. Unripe peaches are as hard as a stone, overripe fruits often burst the skin when touched.

  1. First, wash the peaches under running water to rinse off any dust and dirt.
  2. Put a large saucepan of water on the stove. It should fit three to four peaches.
  3. Let the water boil.
  4. Meanwhile, prepare an ice bath by filling a large bowl with water and ice cubes.
  5. Now take a sharp knife and scratch the peaches crosswise on one side.
  6. As soon as the water boils, blanch the fruit. To do this, put three or four peaches in the hot water for 30 seconds. If the peach stays in the water too long, it will become mushy.
  7. Take the fruits out of the water with a slotted spoon and immediately place them in the ice bath. Here the fruits cool down quickly after blanching and cannot continue to cook.
  8. After a minute, take the peaches out of the ice water and place them on the sideboard.
  9. Blanch all of your peaches this way.

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By blanching and then cooling it, the peel can now be easily removed from the fruit. Proceed as follows:

  1. Where you have scratched the cross on the peach, you can now start with the knife to peel off the peel strip by strip.
  2. Work carefully so as not to injure the pulp.
  3. When all the peaches have been peeled, you can stone the fruit. To do this, cut the fruit in half and remove the stone.
  4. Nothing stands in the way of further processing. You can dice, puree or slice the peaches.

Another tip:
If you skin a large amount of peaches, for example for making jam or as a topping for a cake, the fruit should be served with a little lemon immediately after skinning drizzle. In this way, the peaches do not turn brown until they are further processed.

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