Pear quince varieties »The tastiest at a glance

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What are the characteristics of pear quinces?

The fruits of the pear quince are elongated and shaped like a pear. Since the pulp is softer and less pitted than that of the apple quince, they are easier to process than their round relatives. They are also suitable for raw consumption, for example as an addition to a fruit salad. In general, however, the aroma is described as a bit more bland than that of the Apple quince species.

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Which are the best pear quinces?

  • Bereczki: This pear quince was named after the Hungarian pomologist Mate Bereczki who brought the variety to the market. Growing vigorously, this quince tree quickly forms an upright, broad one Treetop with unusually dense foliage. The large fruits are lemon yellow in color and partly covered with small, red speckles. The flesh is yellow-white, firm, but only hard around the core. It tastes aromatic, sweet and sour. When cooked, it changes color to reddish.
  • Cydora-Robusta: This quince lives up to its name, because it proves to be very robust against the dreaded fire blight, the Leaf spot disease and mildew. It bears fruit after two to three years. These have a strong smell and a strong, sweet and sour aroma.
  • Portuguese pear quince: This variety is vigorous and upright. The bright yellow skin of the quince has a slight downy fluff. The flesh of the very large fruits is white-yellow and very juicy. They ripen in mid-October and give off a bewitching scent.

Extremely tasty: crosses of pear and quince

These include varieties such as the quince pear "Pyronia veitchii". These hybrids produce very tasty fruits that can be consumed straight from the tree. They have a light, soft and sweet pulp, the aroma of which reflects the cross.


Fruit flies can become a real nuisance in late summer. Put a ripe quince in the fruit basket and the small flies will stay away.