This is the best way to transplant Syringa

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Old lilacs often do not tolerate repositioning

If the lilac is to be preserved when digging up and moving, you should take this measure in particular with one old copy think well. Despite its robustness and the tendency to let numerous saplings sprout from the roots, old trees often acknowledge repositioning with the subsequent death. The main reason for this is that there are so many people involved in such a project root and the tree established at its former location has difficulty getting used to it - quite apart from the fact that the now weakened lilac is a "found food" for all kinds of pests and diseases and can no longer counteract them Has.

also read

  • Can you also plant lilacs in partial shade?
  • Lilac does not grow - causes and countermeasures
  • Can you transplant lilacs? How the project works best

Caution: do not just saw off the lilac trunk!

If, on the other hand, you only want to dig up the old lilac to remove it (and not move it!), Make sure that it is as complete as possible Root removal

. Simply cut the tree and leave the rootstock in the ground, so you can soon find yourself sprouting from the ground in a number of places around a radius of several meters Runners be happy.

Dig up and move lilacs - this is how it's done

The best way to dig up and move the lilac is as follows:

  • First cut the tree or shrub down generously - by at least a third.
  • Now prick with one spade the root ball off.
  • The radius should be about the same as the diameter of the crown before the cut back.
  • Drive the spade deep into the ground.
  • Now loosen the root ball by gently shaking it back and forth with a Digging fork.
  • Lift the root ball with the plant out of the earth.
  • Dig a planting hole that is twice the size of the root ball.
  • Sludge this with plenty of water.
  • Mix the excavated material with compost and Sawdust.
  • Plant the lilac back in and water it well.


The root runners are not only a major nuisance, they are also great for Multiplication to use.

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