This is how it works with seeds or cuttings

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Of course, you need the right seeds for this first cultivation variant. For this you can either buy dried seeds in specialist shops or order online or order these fresh (d. H. Remove unprocessed and fully ripe fruits. Insert the seeds into special ones about an inch deep Potting soil, keep this nice and evenly moist and put the pot in a warm and light place. The seedling will poke its green head out of the ground within four to twelve weeks.

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Pull olive tree from cuttings

The second variant promises faster success because Olive trees grown from cuttings Not only do they grow faster, they are also more likely to bear fruit for a few years - a little tree grown from a seed needs at least 10 years until the first fruiting, a cut from a cutting takes an average of six to seven Years. As a cutting, you can simply use a thin olive branch that falls off when pruning an existing tree, for example. You either place this branch in a water glass (change the water daily!) Or plant it in a pot with potting soil. Depending on the brightness and temperature, it can take several months for the olive branch to develop roots.

The right substrate

Olives don't have many claims, they need to just the right earth, lots of sun and a little water. Perfect olive soil has the following properties:

  • It consists of about a third to half of sand or gravel
  • also from two thirds or half of conventional potting soil
  • the bottom layer is potsherds or pebbles in the pot (drainage)
  • you can also use lemon earth as an alternative

When it finally did Time to repot you can tell by the roots: If the delicate root tips are already peeking out of the drainage hole, you should treat your olive to a larger pot. This should be about a third larger than that Treetop.

Actually, a pruning is only necessary if you want to harvest fruit from your own tree. For this purpose, you should train your sapling so that it has a trunk about 1.50 meters high and only has three to four main shoots. The main shoots in turn develop secondary shoots over the years, on which the olives will one day ripen. If possible, do not cut the tree with a round / spherical crown, as this is not conducive to the formation of flowers and thus also of fruit. Instead, the crown should remain open. Always remove upright shoots.

Tips & Tricks

Do not repot your olive tree too often and also not into pots that are too large, as this hinders optimal root growth. It is sufficient to put the sapling in a new pot about every two to three years.