This is how you scare off unwelcome guests

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Repel mosquitoes

The stinging insects can be kept at a distance with certain aromas. We recommend a colorful arrangement of herbs and ornamental plants, which you put in pots and place on the balcony or terrace. Sage, lemongrass, tomatoes, bergamot or fragrant pelargoniums have proven themselves. If you Keep mosquitos away want to take advantage of lemon-like flavors. The citronella oil obtained from lemongrass is suitable for vaporizing in fragrance lamps.

also read

  • Help, I have ants in my potted plants!
  • Keep mosquitoes away from the garden pond
  • Effective methods of keeping ants away

Scare off ants

Strong smelling herbs and spices such as bay leaves help against ants, Cloves or chervil. Planted potted herbs have less of a disgusting effect than essential oils. Used correctly, it helps Baking powder against ants.

Eliminate ant trails:

  • Lay out fresh herbs on the floor
  • Scatter dusty substances such as baby powder or baking soda thickly
  • Distribute coffee grounds as an alternative
  • Remove traces of smell from the ants with vinegar or lemon juice

Scare off wasps

These insects are easy to drive away with smoke. Incense sticks work well regardless of the scent. The smell of stewing coffee grounds is equally effective. To do this, put some powder in a fireproof bowl and ignite it. The rising mist gives off an aroma and pleasant for humans keeps wasps off the table. Fresh sprigs of lavender or a pot of basil will reduce the number of wasps.

Repel house flies

It takes a lot of discipline To drive away flies in the open air. Rinse used dishes immediately and make sure that no breadcrumbs or stains from sweet drinks remain on the table. House flies are attracted to smells. The insects, like mosquitoes, do not like intense smells. Essential oils for fragrance lamps such as peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus or basil scare away the uninvited guests.


You can keep annoying fruit flies away from eating with a self-made trap. Fill a bottle with water and add a few dashes of vinegar and washing up liquid. The insects fly into the bottle opening and drown in the liquid.