When is the best time to harvest?

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The short shelf life of picked blueberries

Once the blueberries are off the bush picked they can only be kept for a very short time in their unprocessed form. Unlike other fruits like apples and pears is one Storage of blueberries only in boiled down or in more frozen Shape possible. Wild blueberries and those botanically only very distantly related to them can be consumed fresh Cultivated blueberries can only be kept in the refrigerator for a few days. Fall from the Collecting tour If you buy larger quantities of blueberries in the moor forest or the bushes in your own garden, these can be processed into various long-life products in the kitchen:

  • jam
  • juices
  • dried blueberries

also read

  • Collect blueberries for consumption
  • The perfect location for blueberries in the garden
  • Drying blueberries for storage and medicinal purposes

The right time to harvest blueberries

Blueberries do not have a very long shelf life when picked, but especially when they ripen Cultivated blueberries the numerous fruits only gradually come out. The first fully ripe fruits can usually be picked from the bush at the beginning of July, depending on the weather. The season for blueberries then usually lasts until late August or September, depending on the variety and the regional climate. You can extend the harvest season a little if you are at the

planting mix early and late varieties in the garden.

Tips & Tricks

Blueberries are not only very healthy when fresh as a delicious fruit or as a fruit topping for cakes. In their dried form, they are also a tried and tested home remedy for constipation and other digestive tract irregularities.