This is how cultivation works

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In spring chillies move under impeccable constellations

In the local latitudes, time is short to Successfully growing chillies. If the germination time is still advancing quickly, the ripening period can take up to 120 days. Consequently, only February and March can be considered for cultivation.

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The warmth-loving seeds find advantageous conditions in a warm room or a heated greenhouse. In order for them to germinate, they seek temperatures of at least 22 degrees Celsius and sufficient moisture. The lighting conditions only gain importance later.

Only sow after a botanical wake-up call

Mother nature provided chili seeds with a protective mechanism so that they do not germinate prematurely. Warmth and moisture are not enough to end this dormancy. How to germinate the seeds:

  • fill a bowl with lukewarm salted water
  • soak the seeds in it for 24-48 hours
  • The water stays warm in a thermos

Experienced hobby gardeners go one step further. To prevent rot, disinfect the seeds in a three percent hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution. After 20 minutes, the tincture is diluted 50% with water to soak the seeds in it for 24 hours.

The sowing determines the germination time

Following the pretreatment, the pulling process flows seamlessly into the sowing. You will need these materials:

  • Seed tray or growing pots
  • Peat-sand mixture or special seed compost
  • Cling film, otherwise a mini greenhouse
  • Water spray bottle
  • fine-mesh sieve

Fill the seed pot with substrate and plant the seeds 2-3 mm deep in it. The distance is approx. 2 cm. Then sift the seeds thinly with the earth and moisten them with a fine effervescence.

At a constant temperature of 25 to 28 degrees Celsius, the germination period is 10 to 30 days. Lower temperatures significantly prolong the process. A cover with transparent film or the space in the mini greenhouse create a beneficial, humid and warm microclimate.

Seedlings want to go to the south window

When the first cotyledons blink, the delicate little plants now come to light. A place at the sunny south-facing window with shade from the midday sun is ideal. If you pamper the seedlings with a little water every now and then, growth will proceed quickly.

After another 2 to 4 weeks stands prick out on the program. Now every chilli wants to form its root ball in its own planter before it goes out onto the balcony or into the bed from mid-May.

Tips & Tricks

Fungal spores, insect eggs and viruses can lurk in any substrate to attack the seeds. You can prevent this risk by means of disinfection. Place the seed soil in a fire-proof bowl in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius or in the microwave for 8 minutes at 800 watts.

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