When is the flowering time?

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Flowering times of the main species

There isn't just one violet. More than 500 species of the violet family are referred to as violets. But that is probably the best known Fragrant violets. It has an extremely bewitching scent and flowers from March to April

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But not only the scented violet is important for gardeners. Here are more Violet species:

  • Horned violets: May to September
  • Garden pansies: April to October
  • Forest violets: April to May
  • Marsh violets: April to June
  • Parma violets: March to May
  • Peony Violets: May to June
  • Bog violets: May to June
  • Wild pansy: May to September
  • Grove violets: April to June

Flowering time - best time to collect the medicinal violet

With the heyday of viola, the collecting period begins. While the edible Violets are in bloom, the content of powerful ingredients is highest. Flowers as well as leaves and roots can be harvested. They work among others:

  • antibacterial
  • hemostatic
  • pain reliever
  • reassuring
  • cooling

After the flowering period, cut off withered flowers or self-sow

as care it is advisable for some species to shorten them after flowering. This stimulates a second bloom in horned violets, for example. It also promotes bushier growth. But if you are after self-sowing, you should leave the withered flowers on the stems.

Tips & Tricks

Violets are also popular as cut flowers for the vase. Some species give off their scent throughout the home. But remember: violets don't last long in the vase.