Toxic or edible or both?

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All types of balsam are slightly poisonous

All kinds of Impatiens - both the Indian balsam, the colorful balsam, the great balsam, etc. - are poisonous. The stems and leaves should not be eaten, especially when they are raw. They contain glycosides. The flowers and seeds, on the other hand, are non-toxic and even edible.

also read

  • Fight balsam: manually and chemically
  • The balsam: all facts in a profile
  • Four interesting balsam species

How do the flowers and seeds taste?

The flowers can be used as a decoration for various dishes such as salads and cheese platters. They taste pleasantly sweet and literally melt on the tongue. The taste of the small black-brown seeds is reminiscent of mild nuts. They are extremely oil-rich and healthy.

What are the effects of poisoning?

If an animal or person has eaten too many fresh balsam leaves, it can lead to various typical symptoms of poisoning. These include, for example:

  • nausea
  • Vomit
  • diarrhea
  • dizziness
  • Gastrointestinal cramps

Balsam as a medicinal herb

The balsam has not yet been researched in detail. But it is known that it can be used as a medicinal herb. Among other things, it has a diuretic, antibacterial, laxative effect and induces nausea. Externally, it can be used against inflammation, insect bites, hemorrhoids and for cleaning wounds. The active ingredient quercetin also acts as an antihistamine.


Even if it takes a lot of patience, you can harvest the seeds in autumn. To do this, it is best to put a bag or other container around the closed, but ripe capsule fruit and wiggle it. The fruits then explode and throw their seeds into the container.

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