Nice ideas for an attractive design

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Design flower beds

There are several aspects to consider when planning flower beds:

  • the border of the bed
  • the plant selection
  • Design elements
  • Mulch

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The border of the bed

One Border Not only does it look pretty, it also limits the growth of the plants so that they do not grow beyond the bed. Various natural materials can be used for the bed border:

  • Field stones
  • Pavement
  • wood
  • Plant stones

The choice of plants

Plants of different heights are often combined on wide beds for visual reasons. In the middle there are often higher perennials or even woody plants, around them medium-sized perennials or bushes are arranged and small flowers or ground cover form the end. This structure is particularly interesting when you mix flowering and green plants, so that a colorful green sea of ​​plants is created.
If you want to design your bed very special, you can only choose two different colors, such as white and blue or purple, and create a noble, two-tone bed.

Design elements

This point should not be underestimated. Design elements bring color and life into the bed or give it a very specific style. For example, you can create a country house atmosphere by equipping the bed with antique objects such as old wooden wagons, wheels, milk cans or the like.
Other popular design elements:

  • Metal figurines
  • Wooden figures
  • Wind turbines
  • large field stones
  • attractive Tree roots or tribes
  • Water elements

Water elements in the garden

Water in the garden looks noble and attracts insects and small animals. The options are very diverse and very different in terms of price. While you can create a mini pond for around 50 euros, a professional one will cost you Watercourse quickly several thousand.

Everything you can plant in the garden

It doesn't always have to be beds. With a little imagination, you can transform your garden into a creative, colorful paradise.

  • planted jeans
  • the wine barrel as a flower pot
  • planted wine box
  • green light pit
  • Zinc tub as a pond or as flower bed
  • planted milk can
  • planted tires
  • an old wagon wheel as a flower bed

The vegetable garden

If you like to eat fresh vegetables, you should grow something in your own garden. It is best to separate the vegetable garden from the rest of the garden with a fence or something similar. Nice elements for the vegetable garden that ensure a rich harvest are:

  • Herb snail
  • Planting on straw bales
  • Raised bed
  • Hill bed
  • Cold frame