Heather on the balcony

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Location and substrate

Especially the summer or Heather prefers one as sunny as possible, whereby they are also in the clear Penumbra usually feels very comfortable. Too shady or Low-light balconies, on the other hand, are not suitable for planting with heather plants, as the plants there only grow poorly and will hardly bloom. In addition to a sunny location, most of the heather plants also prefer moist and acidic soil. For this you can use a mixture of commercially available flower and bog bed soil as potting soil, which can possibly also be enriched with sand to loosen it up.

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This point is important because Heather needs moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging at all. For this reason, you should ensure that there is good drainage in the pot. This can be done by adding sand to the substrate and adding a layer Expanded clay(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) O. ä. at the bottom of the planter. In addition, the pot should have a drainage hole in the bottom, whereby you do not leave excess water, but have to pour it off again and again.

Plant the individual heather plants either individually in a pot or 10 to 15 centimeters apart in a balcony box. Fertilization is only carried out during the growing season about two to three times with a good fertilizer for bog plants or with Horn shavings.(€ 32.93 at Amazon *)

Winter heather in a pot

Heather is very hardy and hardy even in pots. Nevertheless, you should keep the plants at temperatures from approx. minus 10 ° C - especially on sunny days, otherwise the heather can dry out! - protect from the cold. To do this, place the planter on a piece of styrofoam in a protected corner, ideally next to a house wall that radiates heat. You can cover the substrate with leaves or brushwood.


Cut the heather in spring - around mid to late April - back vigorously, then the plants sprout again and bloom all the more splendidly.

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