Bird bath is not accepted

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Beauty doesn't count

Bird baths can be bought ready-made. From the simple model, which simply resembles a bowl, to the luxury variant made of natural stone, everything is represented. Not to forget the numerous self-created and self-realized examples. One prettier than the other. But this beauty only flatters our eyes. The birds pay more attention to safety.

also read

  • Set up bird bath - this is how you do everything right!
  • Bird bath in winter - mastering the challenging freezing cold
  • Bird bath - when the cat is a threat

Recognize potential dangers

So if a bird bath is not accepted, it could also be because wild birds do not safely fill up there. Above all, pose a great danger creeping cats that are recognized too late. Therefore, check whether there is a broad view from the bird bath. It should also be possible to fly away quickly at any time. Nearby shrubs are great hiding spots for cats. Drinking in the middle of tall grass is not particularly attractive either.

Set up the bird bath correctly

If you have recognized from the previous description that the bird bath that was not accepted is in an unsuitable place, you should change this. For the setting up of bird baths the following recommendations apply:

  • Set up potions at a higher level
  • on a stable stand or similar Ä.
  • about 3 m away from bushes
  • However, bushes further away are welcome
  • wild birds can take shelter there if necessary
  • Bird baths are also allowed to stand on lawns
  • but then in the middle of it
  • the grass must also be mowed briefly


The nature of the drinker should also be such that birds can get hold of it. For example, a wide border and a rough surface are important. The potion must not be too deep either. A few cm are sufficient at the edge, max. 10 cm.

Cleanliness and freshness

In a pinch, when nothing else is available nearby, a wild bird will stretch out in a contaminated watering place. It doesn't have to be a negligence on the part of the owner. The birds bathe in the water and bring in dirt. In addition, the water is heated up quickly in summer, which also increases the bacterial load. You should therefore clean the drinking trough regularly and replace the old water with fresh one.

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