About division or seed

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In July and August the Chinese delighted Bellflower the viewer with flowers in different shades of blue, sometimes also in pink or brilliant white. The flower color depends a little Location because the blue flowering varieties need a lot of sunlight, while other colors need the Penumbra prefer. By the Cut of the withered flowers you can see the short one Heyday lengthen it a little.

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Multiplication by sharing

If your plants are at least four or five years old, then you can think about multiplying by division. To do this, dig up the root ball in spring and divide it with a sharp one spade. Plant the cuts in the same or a different location. Put well-rotted compost into the planting hole before you reinsert the root parts as deep as before.

Propagation by sowing

The seeds of your balloon flowers are not varietal, which means that if you sow the seeds of your own flowers, you will not necessarily get the plants you are expecting. The collected seeds should be stored dry until use. If you want to have a special flower color or height, then you should prefer seeds of the desired one

Balloon flower to buy.

Sow your balloon flowers in the greenhouse or on the windowsill from around the end of February Growing pots.(€ 16.68 at Amazon *) The seeds are only lightly pressed against the earth, because these are light germs. Gently moisten the surface without washing away the seeds. Place the vessels dry and warm, but in such a way that they are protected from direct sunlight.

The essentials in brief:

  • seeds that you have collected yourself are not single-variety
  • Light germs
  • Slightly moisten the substrate and seeds
  • Protect seedlings from direct sun, get used to it slowly
  • Root division only in older plants
  • fertilize organically when planting the root parts
  • Pour well until it sprouts


Repot your balcony plants about every three to four years and divide the plants on this occasion.