Replace and refresh greenhouse soil

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Exchange Greenhouse Earth - Title

table of contents

  • Greenhouse Earth - Composition
  • Refreshing is usually sufficient
  • Note crop rotation
  • Experts advise ...
  • Reasons for exchange
  • frequently asked Questions

A greenhouse in the garden brings some advantages. On the one hand, the harvest can be extended and, on the other hand, the harvest yields can be increased. For this, however, a good composition of the greenhouse soil is necessary. More on this below.

In a nutshell

  • The composition of the greenhouse soil is important for a good harvest
  • Do not necessarily replace the substrate every year
  • Usually a regular refreshment of the greenhouse soil is sufficient
  • Crop rotation is to be observed

Greenhouse Earth - Composition

The composition, structure and nutrient content of the soil in the greenhouse is crucial for growing vegetables and harvesting them well. The soil used should have the following characteristics:

  • loose and airy
  • crumbly to fine crumbly
  • nutritious
  • must not condense
  • no formation of waterlogging

A good soil for the greenhouse should be mixed as follows:

Greenhouse in the garden
Greenhouse in the garden

Garden soil

  • at least a third
  • can be loose or tight

Horse and cow dung

  • very good alternative to compost
  • contains many nutrients
  • Note the origin
  • Use only from organic farming


  • if there is no crap
  • very nutritious
  • use up to a third


  • Work in twelve parts of clay
  • don't use too much
  • solidifies the ground
  • soil that is too dry becomes wetter


  • six parts of sand
  • loosens soils
  • brings moisture into the soil
  • not too much, degrades nutrient content


  • not very environmentally friendly
  • however, it lowers the pH of the soil
  • only used when the soil is to become more acidic
  • Be sure to measure the pH value beforehand


  • Use if the soil is too acidic
  • Use twelve parts of lime
  • improves soil structure
  • Work in before planting

Bark mulch

Bark mulch
  • nutritious
  • keeps moisture in the soil
  • give over earth all year round

Note: If the seeds are to be sown, the soil must not be too rich in nutrients. If possible, do not use compost, but use sand.

Refreshing is usually sufficient

The soil in the greenhouse is stressed more intensely during the gardening season than in the open field. The plants regularly extract nutrients from the soil and the microorganisms also break down the individual soil components in a greenhouse faster than in a completely normal garden soil. However, it is not necessary to replace the greenhouse soil annually. As a rule, refreshing the soil, i.e. adding new plant food, is completely sufficient. Refreshing, or better, a regular supply of nutrients, can be done in several ways:

  • Incorporation of rotted cattle manure
  • Undermined before planting the summer crops
  • 6 kg of manure per square meter of surface annually
  • Training also possible in late autumn

Use of horse manure

  • Store well with peat or earth for a year before incorporation
  • Work in like cattle manure

Note: With regular use of manure, the fertility of the soil will be preserved for a long time. Replacing the earth is then not necessary annually.

Calcium cyanamide & compost

Compost soil
  • good alternative to manure
  • Compost must be well matured and sifted
  • regularly apply and work in a 5 to 10 cm high layer
  • remove old soil at the same height
  • however, wild herbs can emerge
  • therefore, mix 150 g of special calcium carbonate per square meter of surface

Manure peat

  • suitable for heavy and light soils
  • However, the use of manure is necessary
  • more one-sided, longer lasting Use of peat mulched soil
  • thereby making water absorption difficult

Use of liquid manure

Make nettle manure
Stinging nettle manure
  • well suited nettle or comfrey manure
  • nutritious
  • protect against salinization of the soil

Irrigation water with compost

  • Put compost in the irrigation water
  • Stir frequently and thoroughly
  • must dissolve well
  • strain and pour

Note crop rotation

It is also very important to observe crop rotation so that you do not have to constantly change the soil in the greenhouse. The most diverse plants also have different demands on the soil nutrients, so a correct sequence in cultivation is necessary so that they can also be used optimally. Normally the soil is able to regenerate itself, but it takes time. In other words, the same plants should not always be planted in the same location every year. A break of at least three years is always recommended.

Note: In addition, careful and profound cultivation of the soil is always necessary in order to prevent the subsoil from drying out or becoming wet.

Experts advise ...

replace the soil in the greenhouse every three to four years. If the soil is not yet completely exhausted, it is usually sufficient to remove the top layer at a height of 20 to 30 cm and apply fresh soil. However, if the soil no longer has any nutrient content, a complete replacement is required. To do this, a layer of soil from 40 to 50 cm is exchanged. The best time to do this is from the end of March to mid-April. However, a soil analysis should be carried out before a complete replacement. This should contain information on the pH value and the humus and nutrient content.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse

Reasons for exchange

When using inorganic fertilizer, the growth of soil organisms is inhibited and is associated with it a constant leaching of the soil with the result that the earth is replaced at regular intervals got to.
The plants themselves indicate when the appropriate nutrient content is no longer available in the soil. The following characteristics then occur:

  • Contains soil fungi such as Fusarium or nematodes in the soil
  • Plants lack vitality
  • Use of larger quantities of fertilizers is necessary
  • bad water drainage
  • increased occurrence of pests such as aphids, fungus gnats
  • lightened leaves, small fruits (magnesium deficiency)
  • inhibited growth (potassium deficiency)
  • Leaf fall, short stature (lack of phosphorus)
  • white leaves (iron deficiency)

frequently asked Questions

Why does the substrate start to mold in the greenhouse?

As a rule, the plants are then too close together, which makes it easy for mold to grow. In addition, the humidity and temperature should also be checked regularly. At temperatures between 15 and 25 ° C, humidity between 60 and 83 percent is usually sufficient.

Why does the greenhouse earth suddenly turn green?

The reason for the discoloration can be algae. In other words, incorrect watering behavior and insufficient ventilation of the greenhouse are responsible. The soil should then be kept a little drier, but must never dry out. Furthermore, it should be ventilated several times, i.e. open the skylights, windows and doors.

How deep should the earth be in a greenhouse?

It depends on what is to be grown, the decisive factor here is the depth of the roots of the respective plants. For example, if only shallow roots such as herbs or leafy vegetables are to be grown, 10 to 20 cm is sufficient. The situation is different with legumes, stems, fruit and root vegetables, here the depth should be at least 50 cm.

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