Which varieties are hardy?

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Basic site conditions for midday flowers

Apart from the fact that there are types of ice plant with better or worse There are various location factors that play an important role when it comes to wintering ability Wintering outdoors is possible. Midday flowers of the genus Delosperma love locations that are as sunny as possible, where good water drainage through the substrate must be guaranteed. Even for Delosperma species that can tolerate freezing temperatures outdoors, permanent winter moisture in the soil can mean a death sentence due to the rot susceptibility of the midday flowers.

also read

  • The ice plant: flowering time and characteristics
  • Propagate the ice plant yourself
  • The star moss in the garden: under what conditions is it hardy?

Hardy varieties of ice plant

While in particular relatively high growing ice plant varieties sometimes only in mild vineyards outdoors are to be overwintered, the following species can usually be brought through the winter relatively well in the garden in this country will:

  • Delosperma Red Fire
  • Delosperma Indian Summer
  • Delosperma Fire Spinner
  • Delosperma African Queen
  • Delosperma Golden Nugget

So-called cold frosts or a substrate that is too wet can have a damaging effect on the midday flowers. That is why you should only plant the midday flowers in locations where the addition of sand and gravel in the soil guarantees good water drainage. On the other hand, you can also protect the midday flowers from excessive winter moisture from above with a suitable covering fleece.

Overwinter insufficiently hardy ice plant varieties

Cold-sensitive and short-lived ice plant varieties can still be saved until the next growing season if they are grown in a tub. Then place the plants in a bright room before the first night frosts in autumn, in which the temperatures in winter should not rise significantly above 5 degrees Celsius. Since midday flowers also often reproduce by self-sowing in one location and multiply, you can also try your luck outdoors with insufficiently frost-resistant plants and hope that young seedlings will grow in spring if the mother plant dies.

Plant out self-grown young plants early

You should successfully plant the ice plant from cuttings or young plants yourself grown from seed you should plant them outdoors as soon as possible after the last night frosts in spring. The sooner the plants can grow in a suitable location, the more extensive you can have your carpet of flowers during the Heyday spread and the better the chances of successful wintering outdoors.


When midday flowers die off over winter, it is usually not a too cold climate at the site that is to blame, but too much moisture. Since midday flowers absolutely cannot tolerate persistent moisture, they must be protected from rainwater if it rains more than snows over the winter. If the substrate around the midday flowers is covered with a layer of gravel during planting, the soil dries faster after rainy phases than if the plant cushions were laid on humus soil.