How to plan the dimensions correctly

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how much bedding area is required?

A vegetable patch should cover at least twenty square meters, divided into four to eight segments. This allows you to sow brightly mixed and varied, using the methods of crop rotation as well the mixed culture follow. the Income are then just sufficient to supplement the menu of a family of four. You will hardly harvest any surpluses, but you do not have to worry about how to preserve vegetables for a longer period of time.

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Would you like to Self-catering and store fruit and vegetables for the cold season, the vegetable patch should be at least forty square meters per person. Try to lay out the beds as long as possible so that you can put a sufficient number of plants in a row. The bed width has proven to be 1.50 meters, the path width between the individual segments should not be less than thirty centimeters. For this you have to plan about twenty percent of the bed area.

The cultivation plan

On average, you can harvest around three kilograms on one square meter of the vegetable patch. However, the different types of vegetables are very different in their space requirements, so that this information can only be used as a rough guide for the size of the vegetable patch. In addition, this harvest quantity can only be achieved if at least half of the bed is used multiple times, for example by planting the harvested radish bed with salads. This is a planting plan important.

The following table shows the harvest quantities of different types of vegetables in comparison:

Art expected crop yields per square meter
French beans 2 kg
Runner beans 2.5 to 4 kg
peas 1.5 kg
pumpkin up to 30 kg
zucchini 3 - 4 kg
Lettuce 15 pieces
Sugar Loaf 10 pieces
spinach 1.5 kg
Carrots 3 kg
Onions 2.5 - 4 kg
Shallots 1.5 kg
Kale 2 kg
Kohlrabi 2.5 kg
potatoes 3.5 kg


When planning the size of the vegetable patch, keep in mind that such a garden is a lot of work. You will spend around half an hour watering, hoeing or weeding every ten square meters per week. What is relaxing at first can quickly turn from a nice hobby into a chore. So think carefully about how much time you actually want to invest.

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