Maintain men faithfully on the balcony

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This is how you plant male-faithful in the balcony box

Faithful to men grows to around 15 - 30 cm tall and therefore fits very well between higher plants. In addition to the classic blue male loyalty, there are now also breeds in other colors, such as white, pink or red and also hanging variants. The blue lobelia can be combined very well with other plants tone-on-tone or in contrasting colors.

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For a combination, choose plants with the same or at least similar needs. True to men, likes it sunny and warm, but also tolerates Penumbra. However, it blooms more profusely in the sun. Regular fertilization is also helpful much water, but no waterlogging. Possible neighbors are for example Petunias and Geraniums, but also the Balloon flower or alant.

How to keep men faithful on the balcony

Faithful to men blooms quite profusely from June to October. Sometimes, however, the flower becomes a little sparse beforehand. With a complete

Cut back you can encourage your plants to flower again in autumn. The blue lobelia needs some liquid fertilizer about every two weeks. It should be watered abundantly on warm days, possibly even mornings and evenings.

You should absolutely avoid waterlogging. To do this, create a good drainage layer of old pottery shards or coarse gravel in the pot or balcony box. Alternatively, you can also use a box that allows excess irrigation water to drain off directly. So that your newly purchased or freshly grown lobelia do not freeze to death, they may only be planted outside after the ice saints in May or remain outside overnight.

The best tips for loyal to men on the balcony:

  • Plant as sunny and warm as possible
  • Water abundantly on warm days
  • Avoid waterlogging at all costs
  • possibly choose a balcony box with overflow
  • occasionally fertilize a little

Tips & Tricks

If the flowering diminishes significantly during the summer, then cut back the male faithful by about a third. This will encourage it to flower again well into autumn.

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