An overview of the varieties

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Under the name of room bamboo, you usually get a Pogonatherum paniceum, which is also known as Seychelles grass or bamboo grass. However, you can also cultivate different types of Babus in the room. These include, for example, Bambusa multiplex, Phyllostachys aurea or the so-called Lucky bamboo.

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The Seychelles grass likes it particularly warm. It is best to place it in a room with temperatures between 20 ° C and 25 ° C. In winter it can be a little cooler, but better not below 16 ° C. In addition, the room bamboo needs a lot of light and a high level of humidity. If you can offer him these conditions, then he is fine easy-care.

Other types of bamboo suitable for housekeeping

The is similar to the room bamboo Lucky bamboo very warm and therefore well suited for the apartment. By spraying with lime-free water, you increase the humidity to the level required for these plants. You can put it in Hydroponics, in earth or in the vase cultivate.

The pleioblastus chino is not very large with a half to one height, but forms abundant runners. If you give it a fairly large pot, the roots will have enough space. If you prick off the runners regularly, you can easily multiply this bamboo. He can spend the summer outside on the terrace or balcony.

Bamboo suitable for housing:

  • Pogonatherum paniceum (indoor bamboo, Seychelles grass), size: 30 to 60 cm, very warm
  • Phyllostachys aurea (golden bamboo), size: approx. 4 m, requires little water
  • Bambusa multiplex, size: 2 to 3 m, tolerates a little frost
  • Pleioblastus chino, size: 50 to 100 cm, very tolerant of frost, forms abundant runners
  • Dracaena sanderiana or Dracaena braunii (lucky bamboo), size up to 1 m, needs very warmth and water


Indoor bamboo needs a lot of light and a lot of warmth to thrive. Keep this in mind when choosing a location.