So the fragrant tree feels good all around

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To make the impressive coloring of the leaves even better to express, the eucalyptus needs a lot of nutrients. It is best to plant it in Compost soil. In addition, giving fertilizer twice a week with one helps Slow release fertilizer. Only in the winter months should you give the tree time to recover.

also read

  • How to care for the lemon eucalyptus
  • The suitable location for a eucalyptus
  • Prepare the eucalyptus for winter by pruning it

to water

The eucalyptus is used to drought and can easily cope with longer periods of drought. Of course, you still have to water the tree a little. Before the next watering, check whether the substrate is already dry. Otherwise, pour over the tree. Waterlogging forms, which causes mold.


The eucalyptus is known for its strong growth. If you do not use scissors regularly, its mass will quickly exceed the capacity of the bucket. The eucalyptus can then also become too high for the garden. Cut You should therefore keep the tree regularly, although the pruning can be radical. The new budding takes place after a short time. It is also important to remove all dried up leaves and branches that are growing across.


Even the fast growing eucalyptus needs a period of recovery. In winter you should Fertilize set completely and also reduce the amount of water used. Attention, except for the variety Eucalyptus gunii the deciduous tree is not frost hardy. Potted plants or those on the balcony have to be brought into the house when it's cold. Optimal way overwinter The eucalyptus as follows:

  • on a cool one Location at about 13 ° C
  • in a bright place


Since the eucalyptus not only grows quickly above ground, but also forms a large root ball, you have to repot it annually.

  1. Fill a pot with compost soil.
  2. Take the eucalyptus out of the old pot without damaging the roots.
  3. Put the tree in the larger bucket.
  4. Cover the roots completely with soil.

Depending on the growth rate, repotting may even be necessary every six months.

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