Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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How often do you have to water evening primrose?

The otherwise undemanding plant does not tolerate moist soils at all. You should therefore protect them from too much moisture, especially in winter. Only evening primrose cultivated in pots should be watered from time to time.

also read

  • Evening primrose prefers a sunny location
  • Evening primrose inspires with a long flowering time
  • Evening primrose: direct sowing in summer

When and with what should you fertilize evening primrose?

Evening primrose thrive best on rather poor soil and should therefore not be fertilized too often. Basically, there is one fertilization at the beginning of the growing season and another one in July for the flowering period Complete fertilizer perfectly adequate. In addition, the perennial can be fertilized with organic fertilizers (e. B. Compost, Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) manure or manure).

When and how can you cut evening primrose?

To the Extend flowering time, you should cut back withered shoots regularly. It also makes sense to cut back towards the end of winter. However, if you obtain seeds for propagation or If you want to allow the plant to sow itself, you should leave the withered plant standing and only cut it shortly before the start of the new growing season.

Which diseases / pests are common in evening primrose?

mildew - both the real as well as the fake - become a problem with the evening primrose time and again. Aphids are also common and bring the unloved rust fungus with them. In addition, the voracious love Nudibranchs especially (but not only!) the young shoots - what we humans like, these animals also like.

How are evening primrose overwintered?

The type of overwintering depends on the type and variety of the evening primrose. The common evening primrose native to us is frost hardy and does not need winter protection, more exotic species such as the Missouri evening primrose or The high evening primrose should at least be piled up with some brushwood to protect against freezing temperatures.


Evening primrose can be propagated quite easily using seeds as well as cuttings. Another Possibility of propagation is the division of the perennial, which even extends the lifespan of the actually only two-year-old plant.