All information about the variety

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Peach Suncrest has large, sweet fruits

As its name suggests, the Suncrest variety has large, juicy fruits with a golden yellow pulp. Their yellowish to orange-red skin is bright red-flamed. The fruits ripen relatively late and can be harvested between the end of August and mid-September, depending on the weather. The vigorously growing tree reaches an average size of three to four meters.

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  • Peach Amsden - an old and disease-resistant variety of peach
  • Peach Red Haven - yellow fleshed peach with a high yield
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Resistance to frizziness

In general, peaches with white flesh are considered to be more resistant to fungal diseases, in particular to the curl disease typical of peaches as well as the also widespread fruit rot Monilia. At the same time, however, white-fleshed peaches are considered less tasty than their yellow-fleshed cousins. Whether this is actually the case is of course a matter of taste. Lovers of juicy, yellow-fleshed varieties can look forward to Suncrest, however, as one of the few yellow ones

Peach varieties - as slightly sensitive to the mentioned fungal diseases.

Robust variety with a great need for sunshine

The yellow-fleshed peach varieties originally come from southern France, where they were bred from white and red peaches. Accordingly, these varieties often need lots of sun and warmth; the peach suncrest is no exception. At the same time, however, it is a very robust variety that also thrives in locations with less than ideal conditions. The flowers that break up in the middle of the morning can withstand (not too deep) night frosts, but should still be protected from this with the help of a fleece cover.

Well suited as a base for Red Haven

Due to its relative insensitivity to the frizz disease, Suncrest is considered a good base for one Refinement with the peach variety Red Haven. This peach, which is also yellow-fleshed, is considered to be one of the best peaches due to its taste, but it is very susceptible to fungal diseases. This tendency can be counteracted by a refinement.

Tips & Tricks

The frizz can also be through a Sprinkle with vinegar contain. To do this, mix vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1 and spray the tree with it. As a result, many leaves, including those that have not yet been infected, will probably be shed. However, the fungus has a worse chance of doing this in the next year.