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Topsoil, which is also called topsoil or Mother Earth represents the uppermost soil horizon. It includes mineral substrates such as silt, clay and sand. In contrast to the lower layers, the upper horizon is rich in nutrients. Numerous microorganisms live here that depend on aerobic conditions. Often there is an additional layer of humus that consists exclusively of organic components.

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This type of soil is a valuable raw material as long as it is pure and free of pollutants or impurities. It is not stable and must therefore be removed before any building or road is constructed. The subsequent storage plays a major role for the quality of the excavation, because the high proportion of biodegradable substances quickly results in undesirable putrefaction processes. These are favored by insufficient ventilation.

Important functions of topsoil:

  • stores water and supplies plants with important nutrients
  • filters pollutants from rainwater
  • prevents water stagnation and reduces flow velocity

Legal regulations

Preservation of the top soil layer is required in accordance with Section 202 of the Building Code so that the substrate can continue to be used. The goods worth protecting must not be wasted or destroyed. When digging the earth, you must take care that the mother earth is not contaminated or mixed with construction waste. If the soil is polluted by pesticides and pollutants or contains contaminated sites, proper disposal is essential.

Container and truck

For smaller amounts of excavation, it is advisable to rent a container that is delivered and picked up. You can fill this yourself or you can commission the specialist company to do the work. For large quantities, a truck is the better choice because it transports the excavated material directly to the landfill.


Which variant is suitable for you depends on the volume. Note that the excavated soil has about 20 to 30 percent more volume than the compacted soil.


You should consider carefully whether you want to send the topsoil to a landfill. This soil horizon is the basic requirement for creating vegetable patches and fertile gardens. You can buy mother earth in specialist stores. However, this is not particularly fruitful. As a result of the removal, the substrate was mixed and the soil structure was disturbed. The bottom fauna has to recover first.

Online exchanges

If you have no use for the earth, search the internet for buyers. Many districts offer soil swap exchanges through which the topsoil can be given to interested parties. In this way, the valuable raw material is not lost. In addition to hobby gardeners, farmers from the region also have a great interest in high-quality mother earth.

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