Oleander doesn't bloom: here's how to make it bloom again

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Oleander does not bloom

table of contents

  • Oleander does not bloom
  • Wrong location
  • Bad weather conditions
  • Wrong cut
  • Pouring behavior
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Incorrect overwintering
  • Pest infestation

One could oleander almost to be called a diva. On the one hand, the plant impresses with a striking pink-red flower. On the other hand, the rose laurel makes high demands on its location and care. In short, it needs a lot of attention, which the gardener cannot afford to make mistakes. The plant rewards species-appropriate husbandry with the aforementioned impressive appearance. Otherwise, however, it will not bloom. It is not that difficult to make the oleander bloom.

Oleander does not bloom

If the oleander does not bloom, it can have several causes:

  • wrong location
  • bad weather conditions
  • wrong cut
  • Pouring behavior
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • incorrect wintering
  • Pest infestation

Wrong location

  • sunny
  • warm
  • sheltered from the wind

If these conditions are not met, the plant will refuse to flower. The plant probably brought these demands with it from its homeland, the warm regions of China, India and the Mediterranean region. A location in front of a house wall facing south or south-west is therefore ideal. Fortunately, if the gardener is certain that the wrong location is the cause of the plant not blooming, this problem can be solved quickly. Since the plant is usually kept in pots, no transplanting is required. The holder simply moves the pot together with the plant to a sunnier place.

Note: The location should be based on the requirements of the plant as well as the protection of children and pets. Any constituents of rose laurel call a when consumed toxic effect emerged.

Oleander does not bloom

Bad weather conditions

Cold and rainy days? Many people prefer to make themselves comfortable in the house, even in summer. This is what the oleander thinks too and hides its pink flowers. Despite its high water requirement, the rose laurel cannot suffer from too much moisture. He also disapproves of temperatures that are too low. If these fall below 18 ° C for a longer period of time, the oleander does not bloom under any circumstances. Perhaps it comforts the gardener a little that in this case it is not a care mistake that is responsible, but a freak of nature.

Note: The normal flowering time of the oleander is from May or June to mid-September.

Wrong cut

As I said, the rose laurel is a diva. Even with Cut back he insists on sensitive treatment in which the gardener plucks brown and dried-up leaves by hand. The container plant strictly rejects a vigorous pruning, which normally promotes new growth in numerous other plants. The reason: the bloom of the oleander forms directly on the tip of the previous inflorescence. Therefore, the following applies to cutting the rose laurel:

  • the cut takes place in the spring before the flowers form
  • best cut in warm temperatures
  • the inflorescences persist
  • remove a third of the shoots near the ground
  • Thinning out the old wood well to encourage the growth of new shoots
  • sometimes the oleander blooms twice a year
  • old flowers therefore also remain on the plant

tip: Due to the toxicity, we recommend wearing gloves when cutting.

Pouring behavior

The oleander requires intensive watering, but none Waterlogging may form. In addition, the container plant does not like cold irrigation water. Collected rainwater is therefore only suitable to a limited extent. At best, the owner warms it up before giving water. However, it is better to use stale tap water straight away.

tip: In summer the rose laurel feels good on a saucer filled with water.

Nutritional deficiency

It takes strength to form a lush flower. It is therefore advisable to add a liquid complete fertilizer to the irrigation water as a support. Fertilizer application forget? No problem, in an emergency the application of an instant fertilizer will help.

Incorrect overwintering

No species-appropriate hibernation, no flower formation in summer. The oleander can withstand a frosty night, but permanent freezing temperatures mean the certain death of the plant. It is therefore imperative to bring the plant indoors when the temperature drops. To the wintering the rose laurel has the following requirements:

  • lots of light
  • rather moderate temperatures of 2 to 10 ° C
  • sufficient air circulation

Note: The consequential damage caused by incorrect winter storage is unfortunately irreparable.

Pest infestation

Incorrect hibernation results in both the blooms remaining in the following summer and an increased risk for Pests and Diseases. For example, you are welcome Aphids down on the plant. Deformed leaves are a sure sign of an infestation, as the unpleasant animals suck the sugary juice from the leaf veins. Even before this unsightly symptom occurs, the black, green, red, yellow or white animals can be seen with the naked eye. They also attract ants. In contrast to the consequential damage caused by incorrect winter storage, in which the gardener is powerless, there are numerous organic home remedies available to him in this case. Pesticides should not be used for treatment.

yellow lice on the oleander

tip: Home remedies made from water-vinegar solutions or washing-up liquid can be easily and inexpensively produced yourself. In addition, good ventilation ensures that the pests stay away.

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