Grow stone mushrooms yourself »This is how it's done

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For newbies: use of ready-made broods

You can make it particularly easy for yourself and buy so-called ready-made broods from specialized dealers, which are delivered in a cardboard box with the substrate already inoculated. Enclosed there is always a detailed manual with which you can really not go wrong and gain your first experience as a mushroom grower. When using such a ready-made brood, there are actually only three things to consider:

  • The substrate must first be completely infused with the mycelium at a minimum of 18 ° C and a maximum of 24 ° C.
  • Then you initiate the development of the fruiting bodies by lowering the temperature to 10 to 18 ° C.
  • The substrate with the mycelium must be kept moist, but not waterlogged.

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Growing stone mushrooms - that's how it works

If the above-mentioned mushroom cultivation is too boring for you, you can grow stone mushrooms yourself in the following way:

  • First the substrate is prepared.
  • You can use different materials for this, but the easiest way is straw or Hay.
  • Cut loose straw into small pieces and pasteurize it beforehand in boiling water.
  • Straw bales are moistened well with plenty of water.
  • Now inoculate the straw with the mushroom spawn.
  • Crumble these and bring them evenly into the material.
  • Now place your mushroom cultivation in a place with a maximum temperature of 18 ° C.
  • This can also be completely dark, as mushrooms do not photosynthesize.
  • A shady spot in the garden or a cool cellar is ideal.

It takes a lot of patience to grow mushrooms

Now you have to wait until the straw is completely permeated with the mycelium and finally the first fruiting bodies show up. Be patient: Depending on the temperature, it can take a few weeks to months before the first harvest wave before the mushrooms actually grow. Until then, always keep the straw slightly damp. Unfortunately, fungal cultures are quickly colonized by fruit flies and other insects, which are attracted by the intense fungal odor. This can be prevented by covering the grow box with fly gauze.


Instead of buying ready-made mushroom spawns, you can also take normal supermarket mushrooms and consume them Lay the moistened straw - the contained spores inoculate the material in a completely natural way. However, this method takes a lot longer before you can harvest.