Here's how to do it right

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Prune to extend the flowering period

The flowering period of the sun bride can last from July to September. Superficially, gardeners use scissors with her to prolong the flowering period. Wilted flowers should be cut off regularly. The first withered specimens can usually be seen in late July. If they are removed, new flower buds form quickly.

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Cut to maintain a neat look

Furthermore, a cut is made to keep the sun bride visually appealing. Their growth becomes excessive and overloaded over time. Therefore, it is true to be right maintain:

  • Shoot shoots in the shoot (maximum 2 times)
  • remove excess shoots
  • cut away old leaves
  • Cut away old inflorescences if seed formation is to be prevented

Off to the new season - cut back beforehand

A radical pruning should be done at the end of the old or at the beginning of the new season. The impatient can prune Helenium back in the fall. But it is better to prune back in spring between the end of February and the beginning of March. All stems are cut back to just above the ground.

Use clippings - for the vase and for propagation

The clippings that arise when the sun bride is cut need not always end up on the compost. You can use the freshly bloomed flowers as cut flowers for the vase. Cut the stems early in the morning. The flowers will stay in the vase for about 1 week.

In addition, you can leave the last flowers in late summer in order to harvest seeds later. As soon as the fruit heads are ripe, you can cut them off. At home you can dry them and pick out the seeds.

Basic shoots that arise during radical pruning can be used for Propagation of cuttings use. The cuttings are later planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other and well watered.


After the pruning in spring, you can divide and transplant the sun bride if you wish (recommended every 3 years).

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