Sonnenbraut ∗ The 10 best care and planting tips (Helenium)

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Plant the sun bride properly

Plant the Sun bride in September / October in a sun-drenched location with fresh, moist, good garden soil. Her floral power unfolds excellently in the group. Therefore, create several small planting pits at a distance of 50-80 cm. Enrich the excavation with compost and Horn shavings.(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) It is an advantage if the previous planting depth is retained. Provide tall growing species with a support rod right from the start. In order for Helenium to grow as well as possible, an adequate water supply plays a central role in the first days and weeks.

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Care tips

The sun bride unfolds its unique long-distance effect in the garden when you treat her to this care program:

  • Water the Helenium regularly when the soil is dry
  • Organically fertilize monthly from May to August
  • Mulching with leaves, clippings and nettle leaves
  • Dye the young shoots at least once in May / June
  • Clean up dead flowers
  • Cut back by a third in July to encourage re-flowering
  • Cut the foliage close to the ground, either in autumn or early spring

In winter gray areas and in the year of planting, we recommend light winter protection. Leave the withered leaves on the plant until February / March. In addition, spread a layer of leaves, compost and coniferous branches over the bed with helenium.
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Which location is suitable?

Her name leaves no doubt where the sun bride feels comfortable. So settle the flower in a full sun to sunny location. The perennial wants to stand warm and, above all, sheltered from the wind, so that windthrow does not destroy the dreamlike image. If it is allowed to stretch its roots in nutrient-rich, humus-rich and freshly moist soil, the beauty of Helenium leaves nothing to be desired.
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The correct planting distance

The height and habit of the favored Helenium define the best plant spacing. For your orientation, we have put together recommended distances of common types and varieties for you:

  • Wild species Helenium hoopesii with a height of 50-70 cm: Plant distance 50 cm
  • Sun bride hybrids with a height of 80-100 cm: Plant distance 70 cm
  • Sun bride hybrids with a stature height of 100-160 cm: Plant distance 80 cm

What soil does the plant need?

Their love of the sun does not imply that Helenium prefer dry, sandy soil. On the contrary, the summer beauty only thrives in fresh, moist soil, rich in nutrients and populated with vital soil life.

What is the best time to plant?

The best time to plant helenium is in autumn. The roots establish themselves more quickly in the warm summer soil than in the cold soil in spring. If you put the sun bride in the ground in September or October, it will start the first vegetation period with a vital growth lead.

When is the flowering time?

The main flowering season extends from over the summer months of July and August. This does not prevent many Helenium breeds from stretching the flower discs towards the sun as early as May, as the wild species celebrates. If you don't get tired of the flowers, cut back the first flower pile. The re-flowering then lasts until October.

Cut sun bride properly

The scissors play a central role in the professional maintenance of Helenium. Properly cut the sun bride on these occasions:

  • In May / June the shoots shoot for a bushy growth and a vital abundance of flowers
  • Clean up withered stems during flowering to make room for re-flowering
  • The most beautiful Helenium cut in the early morning as a decorative vase jewelry

If regular cleaning seems too time-consuming, cut off the withered flower pile by a third in one go in July. Thereupon a re-bloom develops into the autumn. The pruning close to the ground is done either in October / November or February / March.
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Pour the sun bride

Don't let a sun bride thirst. If the flower is exposed to summer drought stress, this dilemma means the immediate end of the bloom's splendor. You should therefore water Helenium regularly and abundantly without causing waterlogging. Ideally, the summer flower receives the water directly at the roots and is not irrigated overhead.

Fertilize sun bride properly

Strengthen the sun bride once a month with an organic fertilizer from May to August. Compost, Horn shavings,(€ 32.93 at Amazon *)guano(€ 9.82 at Amazon *) or Herbal manure provide Helenium with all the important nutrients. Cultivate summer beauty in the bucket, administer a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants every 14 days.


In mild locations, the sun bride copes with winter without taking any explicit precautions. If the bed is in a rough region, we recommend the following protective measures:

  • Leave the foliage on the perennial until early spring
  • Cover the plant with leaves and needles
  • Cover the bucket with foil or jute and place on wood

The greatest danger in winter does not come from frosty temperatures, but from drought stress. If there is no snow while it is freezing, water Helenium on mild days.

Propagate sun bride

If you would like more specimens for your garden, there are two methods of propagation to choose from. How to get new Helenium by hand:

  • Division of the rhizome in spring or autumn
  • Harvest the seeds in autumn and their sowing from February on the windowsill at 20-22 degrees Celsius

However, seedling propagation using self-harvested seeds has the disadvantage that the resulting young plants only bloom for the first time after 2-3 years.
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How do I transplant properly?

After 3 to 4 years, the abundance of flowers in a sun bride noticeably diminishes. If you dig up the root ball in spring, divide it into two or more segments, this measure will help to rejuvenate. Planted on a sunny spot in humus-rich, fresh-moist soil, the transplanted Helenium sprays again with vitality and the joy of flowering.

Is Sun Bride Poisonous?

As a daisy family, the sun bride is closely related to food plants such as lettuce or chicory, as well as important medicinal and aromatic plants such as arnica or chamomile. There is therefore no trace of any poisonous components in Helenium.

Sun bride does not bloom

When the sun bride withholds her blossoms from us, there is usually a solid reason behind it. The most important reasons for the failure to bloom at a glance:

  • Too dark location - solution: transplant to a place in full sun
  • Too lean, sandy, dry earth - solution: enrich the soil with compost and mulch with leafy soil
  • Drought stress solution: Water the Helenium regularly and abundantly
  • Seedling-propagated plant - solution: wait for 2-3 years until the first flower appears

Nice varieties

  • Sahin’s early Flowerer: Innovative novelty with blossoms in delicate orange nuances, stable; Growth height up to 140 cm
  • Double Trouble: Impresses with half-double, golden-yellow flowers from July to October; Growth height 70-90 cm
  • September gold: Late blooming Helenium, whose deep yellow, underneath brown-red flowers last until October; Height of growth 80 cm
  • Flame wheel: premium variety with red-yellow flamed flowers and a brown heart; Growth height 120-140 cm
  • Building director Linne: Wonderful cut flower with bright red flowers; Height of growth 130-150 cm

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