Plant of the month »The beautiful forsythia in a profile

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Plant profile:

  • Botanical name: Forsythia
  • Additional names: Goldilocks
  • Order: Mint family (Lamiales)
  • Family: Oleaceae
  • Genus: Forsythia
  • Habit: Initially stiffly upright, later with arching overhanging main branches.
  • Height: up to three meters.
  • Main flowering time: March to May
  • Leaves: Medium green, elongated, simply opposite with serrated leaf margin
  • Flower shape: bells
  • Flower color: bright yellow to golden yellow


There are seven different types of forsythia worldwide, all of which are predominantly found in East Asia. The varieties native to our gardens are hybrid plants that were bred from Forsythia suspensa and Forsythia viridissima.

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Location and maintenance:

the Forsythia prefers sunny to partially shaded locations. As a shallow root, it thrives very well in acidic to alkaline soils, the lime content should be moderate.

Planting time

The best time to plant forsythia is from late March to October.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering is only necessary in very hot summers. Make sure, however, that the place where you put the spring flowers is neither too dry nor permanently too moist, otherwise the roots will rot.

There is no need for additional fertilizers.

Cut back

If you do not cut back the forsythia regularly, it tends to age and over time it will lose its flowering pleasure. You should treat the tree to a topiary in spring at least every three years.


Forsythia propagation is very easy. You can use the clippings directly:

  • Branch about eight inches long defoliate.
  • Put in the ground.
  • A young dive had formed by autumn, which can be implemented.

In this way, you can grow enough sapling for an entire hedge inexpensively from a single shrub.

Diseases and pests

The forsythia is a very resilient shrub and pleasantly robust against diseases and pests. Very seldom put her

  • Powdery mildew
  • Monilia Shoot wilt
  • Vine weevil
  • Aphids


Winter protection

Since the forsythia is completely hardy, it can be dispensed with.


The goldilocks is slightly poisonous. The consumption of parts of the plant leads to nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea. Therefore, make absolutely sure that children do not accidentally nibble on the bright yellow flowers.