Carnivorous plants in the jar

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It doesn't work without a drainage layer

Almost all types of carnivorous plants occur naturally in very humid locations. Nevertheless, very few people can tolerate longer periods of waterlogging. However, there is no drainage hole in a closed jar to allow excess water to drain away.

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  • Growing Carnivorous Plants - Tips for Growing
  • Large carnivorous plants
  • Repot carnivorous plants regularly

Therefore, lay a sufficiently thick drainage layer on the bottom of the jar. Are well suited Expanded clay(€ 16.35 at Amazon *) or the commercially available Seramis.

Fill in the correct plant substrate

Use special ones as a plant substrate Earth for carnivores. Never plant carnivorous species in normal garden soil or Potting soil from the hardware store.

Most varieties of carnivorous plants do not have very deep roots. Therefore the earth layer does not have to be too thick.

Carefully place the plants in the substrate so that the roots are covered. Cover the jar with a sheet of glass or clear plastic wrap.

Which location is ideal for the glass?

The jar with the carnivorous plants must be placed as bright as possible. Carnivores also love direct sunlight.

However, the temperatures inside a closed jar or terrarium can rise very high due to the sun. The plants literally burn.

In midsummer, in particular, make sure that the glass does not develop too much heat.

Maintain carnivores in a glass jar

The most important Maintenance measure is pouring. Once the substrate on top has dried, water the plants. Use rainwater only, as calcareous tap water is harmful to carnivorous plants.

That Fertilize and feeding the carnivores is not necessary, even if it is often advised.

There are sufficient nutrients in the plant substrate so that the carnivorous plants do not need any additional nutrients. If you would like to feed once for illustrative purposes, only use small, live insects and only give one prey at a time.


Carnivores are usually not fast-growing. Nevertheless, you should replace the soil in the jar at least every two years. This gives the plants new nutrients.

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