Using lavender as a houseplant »Is that possible?

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Lavender should be outside in summer

There is a wide variety of beautiful houseplants, but they all have one thing in common: They come from tropical and subtropical regions and therefore could not survive outdoors in our climatic zone - with the exception of hot summer days, when some palm trees can also be found on the balcony feels good. Mediterranean plants like also the lavender is one, are, however, not very suitable as a houseplant. At least in summer, the plant should be in a sunny spot on the balcony or stand in the garden. Indoor cultivation usually means that the plants do not get enough sun and are therefore weakened. Very often is a Infestation with plant pests and mushrooms are the result.

also read

  • Lavender grows splendidly with appropriate care
  • When is the best time to plant lavender?
  • For a quiet night - lavender in the bedroom

Dried lavender as a home decoration

However, you don't have to do without the wonderful scent of lavender in your home. Instead of a live plant, you can simply

dried lavender bouquets use for home decoration. For this you use flowers as well as stems including leaves either be braided or packed in potpourris or scented sachets.

Wintering in a heated room is also problematic because, unlike tropical plants, lavender needs a winter break. Most types of lavender are however not winter hardy and therefore belong in a cold house in order to imitate the conditions of the Mediterranean home. Cold house overwintering means that the plants overwinter indoors at around 10 to 12 ° C - this can also be in the (little or no heated) bedroom or in a stairwell.

Warm winter lavender usually dies

If, on the other hand, you overwinter your lavender in a heated living room, it will most likely become winter not survive. Like so many Mediterranean plants, lavender is evergreen and therefore needs more light the warmer it is in winter. However, the light intensity we have in winter is not enough for the lavender. Furthermore, a warm wintering prevents the lavender from its urgently needed vegetation break, it is weakened and thus more prone to disease.

Tips & Tricks

Especially in the bedroom lavender is said to have a stimulating effect. Since ancient times the herb has been considered an aphrodisiac, i. H. its active ingredients increase libido.