This is how you cultivate the delicious spinach

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Location and soil

Since spinach forms tap roots that reach deep into the earth, it prefers humus-rich, well-drained soils. The location should be full sun or partial shade.

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  • How much spinach can the dog tolerate?
  • Summer and winter harvest of spinach
  • Notes for sowing spinach

You can sow the leafy vegetables very well next to other vegetable plants that provide some shade, provided that the leaves are at least temporarily caressed by sunlight.

Ideal mixed culture

Spinach goes well with almost all vegetables. Good neighbors are, for example:

  • Strawberries,
  • Potatoes,
  • Cabbage,
  • Kohlrabi,
  • Radish,
  • Radish,
  • Rhubarb,
  • Runner beans,
  • Tomatoes.

Crop rotation

To high Income It is important to achieve that too Crop rotation To pay attention. Spinach is incompatible with other goosefoot plants such as Swiss chard or beetroot. Therefore, do not grow spinach in areas where you have grown these plants for at least three years.

Sowing the summer spinach

Even small children can sow spinach directly in the field, and they will enjoy how quickly the leafy vegetables germinate and grow.

  • Spinach is always sown in rows, otherwise it has little chance against weeds.
  • First loosen the soil and carefully remove all weeds.
  • Make two to three centimeters deep grooves 20 to 30 centimeters apart.
  • Put a seed every ten centimeters in the furrow.
  • Cover with soil and carefully press it down.
  • Pour on with a gentle stream.

Fertilizing spinach

You usually don't need the spinach as well fertilize, as the nutrients present in the soil are sufficient for the leafy vegetables.

In addition, incorrect fertilization can become a problem, as nitrate, which is harmful to humans, can accumulate in the leaves. You should therefore refrain from using nitrogen-based fertilizers for spinach.

Harvest and enjoy straight away

Spinach tastes freshly picked and prepared immediately very well. Wrapped in a damp cloth, it stays in the fridge's vegetable drawer for a day.

Have you been able to harvest more spinach than you can use right away? briefly blanch the vegetables and freeze them.


In order for spinach to thrive, the soil must be kept evenly moist. If the soil dries out, the vegetables begin to bloom and lose their aroma. When watering, be careful not to wet the leaves, this will prevent fungal infections.

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