Noble geraniums for the balcony

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Prefer and plant pelargoniums for the balcony

Noble geraniums are a wonderful decoration for balconies. You can buy the plants in spring, or you can prefer them yourself or multiply. the sowing should be done in January or February so that the young plants are large enough to be planted out from the end of May and do not bloom too late.

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  • How to overwinter noble geraniums - tips and tricks
  • How to care for noble geraniums - tips and tricks
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Cut cuttings It is best to do it in August for the following year. Ideally, you should no longer use very young shoots without buds and flowers. Shoots that are too young rot easily, and shoots that are too old do not take root as well. Good Growing substrate,(€ 12.99 at Amazon *) Warmth, constant moisture and plenty of light make it easier for the cuttings to take root. The young plants overwinter They are light and moderately warm.

It is best to repot any noble geraniums bought in the spring, because the pots used are usually too small. The planter should already have a capacity of around ten to 20 liters. Both buckets and classic ones are suitable

Window boxes.(€ 7.99 at Amazon *) The geranium does not tolerate lime, but fresh to moist soil does.

When are the noble geraniums allowed outside?

The very frost-sensitive noble geraniums are only allowed to move to the balcony after the ice saints. Before doing this, you should get used to the cool air and the sun slowly, preferably by the hour. The exotic species from South Africa do not tolerate temperatures below about 8 ° C. The ideal Location is sunny or slightly shady, but not in the blazing midday sun.

Caring for noble geraniums properly on the balcony

The more luscious your relative easy-care Noble geraniums bloom, the higher their need for nutrients and water. Ideally, the root ball should never dry out. It is best to use your finger to check when it is time to water again. During flowering is regular Cleaning up hip, trendy, popular.

The essentials in brief:

  • upright growth
  • until about. 50 cm high
  • perennial
  • not hardy
  • suitable for buckets and window boxes
  • Location: sunny or partially shaded
  • Flowering period: April to October


Lush flowering noble geraniums are a wonderful eye-catcher on almost every balcony.