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Which location is suitable?

Gardens with a corresponding gradient naturally offer ideal conditions for stone structures. Such a hillside can of course also be created artificially or In dry locations, a rock garden can also be set up on flat terrain - but then no rainwater or the like must be allowed there. ä. damming, the soil must be maximally permeable. Otherwise, a location in a sunny south-east, south or south-west position is perfect for most rock garden plants, provided that these can be shaded over the midday hours. But also for shady respectively. in partially shaded locations there is a large selection of suitable rock garden plants. Basically, the rule applies to work as little as possible against nature, because the less the existing location corresponds to the necessary living conditions, the more work you have both during construction and later Maintaining your rock garden.

also read

  • Properly plan and lay out a rock garden
  • Plan and design a rock garden with a pond
  • Rock garden on a slope - plan, create, maintain

What should the rock garden look like?

There are tons of ways to create a rock garden. From one overgrown with cushion plants embankment From the small corner of the garden planted with shrubs to the elaborately designed Alpinarium, rock gardens can take on very different shapes. Experts fundamentally differentiate between these forms:

  • the natural rock garden
  • the architectural rock garden
  • the sink garden (e.g. B. between dry stone walls)
  • the Japanese or Asia garden
  • as well as the pot or trough garden

Before building, it is important to clarify how big the targeted rock garden should be, which elements (e.g. B. a seating group o. Ä.) it include and how great the expected effort in terms of construction and costs is likely to be.

Should a stream and / or a pond also be built?

For many garden lovers, a rock garden is a must Stream, a gully and / or a garden pond. The combination of Water and stone complements each other perfectly and looks very varied due to the various design options. Of course, this project also has to be planned intensively so that the water fits perfectly into the rock garden.


You should also make the specific selection of plants in the planning phase. This is not only based on the construction of the rock garden (after all, different species have different location and maintenance requirements), but above all the selection of rocks. Lime-loving plants need a subsurface made of limestone, which in turn can become a death trap for plants that refuse lime.

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