This is how it works outdoors and indoors

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The origin of the laurel tree

The real bay laurel originally comes from the Middle East, but it has been known as a medicinal and aromatic plant throughout the Mediterranean since ancient times. Slight minus temperatures hold a in the earth planted Laurel bushes are quite good for shorter periods of time. However, year-round cultivation outdoors in Germany is only possible in very mild locations, such as around Lake Constance, and a certain amount of winter protection is necessary there too. As the real laurel often in the pot is cultivated, there is an even greater need for protection of the roots from frost. After all, sensitive roots such as those of the real bay laurel freeze to death in a planter even more easily than in the protected position in the Garden soil.

also read

  • Real laurel - overwinter and care
  • The ideal care for the real laurel
  • Pull the bay leaves in the pot and overwinter

The water supply should also be ensured outdoors

If you really want to dare to overwinter real laurel outdoors, then wrapping the plant in jute or special winter protective hoods is part of it

Winter care to. Generally are Locations in front of sunny house walls or on south-facing ones Balconies to be preferred, as it is easier to thaw the substrate and thus a water supply for the roots.

Wintering in the house

True laurel is sensitive to frost, but the following rooms are more suitable as winter quarters than the windowsill in the room:

  • Basement rooms
  • Garages
  • unheated winter gardens
  • Greenhouses

Tips & Tricks

In winter, real bay leaves tolerate temperatures between zero and eight degrees Celsius better than the usual room temperature.

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