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How do I recognize a rose petal wasp infestation?

At a Leaf wasp infestation The damage appears, the strongly tubular, rolled rose petals, mostly in the months of May and June. The leaves also turn yellow over the course of summer and eventually fall off. The typical curling of the leaves is caused by the sawfly laying eggs: the insect hangs up the edge of each leaf about two to three eggs and finally sticks into the main leaf vein in the Center. It is this stitch that causes curling. In this way the sawfly achieves that its offspring - up to nine millimeters long, greenish larvae - are optimally protected. Finally, in autumn, the larvae retreat into the ground to pupate over the winter months. In the next year, new insects developed from it and attacked the rose again.

also read

  • Rose petal wasp - detect, control, prevent
  • Yellow leaves on the rose indicate a lack of nutrients
  • Rose diseases: prevent them in good time in early spring

How can I fight the pest effectively?

Therefore, an effective control of the scroll wasp requires that not only the rose itself, but also the soil surrounding it is thoroughly processed - this is how you kill any larvae that may be present and thus ensure that the infestation no longer occurs in the next year can. You should also check the rose petals thoroughly for the first signs from the beginning of May and immediately collect the infected leaves. However, if the infestation is very pronounced, in many cases only a pesticide will help. In late winter - ergo around February, if the ground is no longer frozen at this time, you should dig the earth around the rose with a hoe or similar. ä. edit to disrupt the pupation of the animals.


Never throw cut or collected, diseased plant material on the compost - it will not only develop in this way a good fertilizer, but literally a breeding ground for numerous new infections. The larvae of the rose petal wasp also overwinter in the comfortable surroundings of a compost heap.