Preserving oregano »An overview of the possibilities

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Preserve fresh oregano

There are different ways to preserve fresh oregano. In the following we would like to briefly introduce you to the most common methods:

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Freeze oregano

For freezing the small leaves and flowers are carefully plucked from the branches. Brown and damaged leaves are not suitable for freezing. Put the herbs in portions in ice cube trays or small freezer bags and let the oregano freeze well.

Dry the oregano

Use for this method of preservation If possible, long-stemmed oregano branches, which you gather in loose bundles and hang upside down in a dark, airy and dry place. When the oregano is completely dry after about a week, you can carefully rub the small leaves and flowers off the branches and store them in tinted, well-closing containers.

Put in the oregano

Put the dried oregano sprigs in high-quality cooking oil, you get a tasty seasoning for salads and many dishes. Only well-dried twigs that you put in a tightly sealable glass bottle should be inserted. Douse the herbs with the oil so that they are completely covered and let the herbal oil soak for a few weeks in a bright but not full sun place.

Alternatively, you can soak the dried twigs in vinegar. In order for the essential oils of oregano to dissolve in the vinegar, the vessels must be kept in a cool place for a long time.

Salt flavored with oregano

Clean the fresh oregano and carefully pluck the small leaves from the branches. Larger leaves should also be shredded. Pour the herb into pretty, tight-fitting glasses and fill them up with coarse-grained sea salt. The volume of the salt should roughly equal the volume of the oregano leaves.

The salt removes both the moisture and some of the essential oils from the oregano leaves. Therefore, you should keep this mixture in a cool place, for example in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

Tips & Tricks

Oregano in oil or salt is a nice souvenir for loved ones. Decorate the vessels with homemade herb tags and a beautiful bow.