The origin of the poinsettia

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Where does the poinsettia come from?

The origin of the poinsettia are Central and South America as well as Mexico. There the shrub grows up to four meters high in tropical deciduous forests.

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  • Poinsettia flower and bracts
  • Mix the soil yourself for the poinsettia
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On the natural onesLocations it is warm but not too bright. Poinsettias rarely get more than twelve hours of light a day.

As children of the tropics, poinsettias are not hardy.

Pull poinsettia for several years

If you have a Poinsettia perennial you have to simulate the conditions of the natural origin as well as possible. Here it is too cold in winter and too bright in summer.

Basically, you can draw a poinsettia on the windowsill all year round. However, it will not develop any colored bracts in the next year. In order for these to sprout, the houseplant needs a longer phase in which it is far less than twelve hours of light.

In order to get poinsettias to bloom again, you must first put the plant in a dark or darker color for a few weeks. Either you use dark rooms for this or you put an opaque bag or box over the poinsettia for several hours a day.

Care for the poinsettia after flowering

So that the poinsettia continues to thrive well after the flowering period, which usually ends in February, place the plant a little cooler now. Pour even less.

The poinsettia is very good if you put it on the balcony or terrace as soon as it is as warm here as in the regions of its origin.

You can do it in summer too plant outif you have a partially shaded spot under trees. Here you only need to water the poinsettia when it is very dry.

Bring the plant back into the house in good time before the temperatures outside drop too much.


Inexpensive poinsettias from the supermarket or hardware store are often of poor quality. They can rarely be grown for more than a season and are discarded after the flowering period.