Procedure, posture, purchase and much more

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the essentials in brief

  • Scythes consist of a metal or wooden tree and a scythe leaf. An important purchase factor is the tree length, which must be adapted to the body size. High quality models are made by wood workshops.
  • Correct pounding takes practice and is important to maintain sharpness. The blade should be sharpened between mowing passes. The blade must be set correctly before each use.
  • Weather and vegetation determine the mowing date. Correct posture determines how efficient mowing is.

What you should know before buying a scythe

One Scythe consists of a tree and an adjustable leaf. The scythe tree takes on the task of transferring movement and force to the blade edge. This happens automatically if the scythe meets the basic requirements:

  • length: Scythe tree must fit the body size
  • unit: The scythe tree and leaf must be coordinated and at the right angle
  • Intended use: Scythe blade should be suitable for the planned mowing work

also read

  • Mowing the lawn with the scythe: the comeback of the art of scythe
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Building a scythe

Metal or wood

In principle, the choice of material is of less importance if the scythe tree meets the requirements for gentle work. The best scythe trees are made of natural crooked wood. They have a high breaking strength because the fibers follow the course of the tree. Most commercially available scythes are made of metal and are not suitable for people who are at least 170 centimeters tall.

Metal scythe tree Scythe tree made of wood
advantage more stable and therefore suitable for rough work can be made individually in every woodworking workshop
disadvantage Limited adjustment options with regard to the lower handle expensive to buy

Important dimensions

The length of the scythe tree describes the distance between the upper handle and the scythe blade attachment. The right tree length is primarily based on body size. In addition, the purpose has. an influence on the ideal level. If the scythe is to be used on a flat surface, you can determine the correct tree length using a simple formula: subtract about 20 centimeters from your height. Big people can pull off a little more, children less.

Shorter scythe trees are advantageous here:

  • in cramped conditions
  • when mowing slopes and uneven terrain
  • to participate in championships and competitions

If the scythe is perpendicular to the person, the overhand grip is ideally in front of the chin.

Supplier of scythe trees


Handcrafted scythes are a rare commodity

Most hardware stores or garden centers offer modern metal scythe trees in standardized sizes between 140 and 150 centimeters. With a height of 170 to 175 centimeters, such models are not sufficient. If you do a side swing with a scythe that is too short, you will have to bend forward unnecessarily. There is tension and back pain. Scythe trees made of naturally grown wood are elaborately handcrafted by some small businesses:

  • Lehnert scythe workshop in Gersheim-Walsheim
  • Scythe workshop in Mammern, Switzerland
  • Silvanus Forstbedarf, Austria


Crafts threatened with extinction

The scythe craft is slowly dying out as people lose interest in this traditional practice. The scythe was replaced by motorized devices as early as the 1980s. Another reason for the downfall is the lack of suitable models with good quality. Many online retailers offer accessories for scythes at overpriced prices. Numerous scythes turn out to be unusable in practice because they cannot be adapted to individual needs. The personal test before buying a scythe has the highest priority.


If there is little space or on uneven terrain, a 50 or 65 scythe blade is recommended.

Before the mowing

Before you can start mowing, you need to make some preparations. These enable optimal, efficient and body-friendly work.

Felling scythes

When peening, the front edge of the scythe blade is knocked thin so that a sharp edge is created. Traditionally come Dengelhammer and anvil for use. Alternatively, ordinary blacksmith anvils or modern peening machines can be used. To nail scythes, the blade is unscrewed from the scythe tree. The result is optimal if the cutting edge can be easily bent with a fingernail.

Rough instructions:

  1. Place the sheet in the middle and parallel to the anvil
  2. Guide your back with your left hand
  3. Use your right thigh as a support
  4. Work step by step from the beard to the tip

To adjust

Before each use, the scythe blade must be adjusted so that it does not bend when pressure is applied and that it always remains in its position. When you lay the scythe flat on the ground, the entire cutting edge must touch the ground. The distance between the top of the scythe blade and the top of the scythe tree should be about two be up to six centimeters shorter than the distance between the base of the scythe blade and the End of scythe tree.



Regularly sharpening the cutting edge is of great importance not only before mowing but also during it, so that you always get a clean cut. Place the scythe on the ground with the handle so that the tip of the sheet metal points to the right.

Place your right foot on the handle for more stability. After the blade has been cleaned, place the wet whetstone with the curved side on the cutting edge. Pull the whetstone outward from the beard to the tip, then switch sides.

How to use the scythe correctly

Grass trimming is a traditional craftsmanship that, if done correctly, allows for high efficiency and straight cuts. Nature conservation organizations such as NABU or associations offer special courses in which you can learn to scythe properly.

When to scythes

The ideal time is based on the weather and the growth of a meadow. Typical meadow herbs require light and are quickly shaded by tall grasses. Later cuts encourage grass growth. Ideally, a conventional flower meadow is cut between late May and mid-June, when the flowering plants are in full bloom. Mowing with a scythe is an early bird activity because dewy grass can be cut more effectively.



An upright posture is important so that your back does not hurt in the evening

An upright and relaxed posture is important. Take each swing slowly and calmly. No particular force is required, as the honed cutting edge drives razor-sharp through the grass and leaves a level cut. Ideally, the scythe movement forms a circle.

Basic course for scythe mowing:

  • Put your legs slightly apart so that your right leg is a little further forward
  • Upper body is erect while looking forward in the direction of mowing
  • Rotation comes from the hip
  • Hamme should stay on the ground while swinging forwards and backwards
  • after one or two swings move a step forward


Work your way up the slopes, rows at a time. The double mowing method is only suitable for flat meadows.

frequently asked Questions

What are the positive effects of scythe?

Scythes are operated by hand and prove to be a climate-friendly form of mowing. Since they are not motorized, they are not a burden on the hearing, which makes mowing with the scythe possible at any time. The controlled movements do not have a negative effect on the body and open up new experiences of nature. Small animals and insects are spared because they do not get between the sharp blades of a mower. Species-rich hay meadows are promoted by the scythe cut, which increases the biodiversity in flora and fauna and that eye delighted the viewer.

What do I need for scythe?

A scythe consists of a tree with handles to guide the scythe. The scythe leaf is attached to the lower end and is between 60 and 80 centimeters long, depending on the length of the tree. The curved blade is made of forged steel. The cut edge is about five millimeters wide. In order to maintain the sharpness of the blade, the scythe blade should be sharpened regularly with a whetstone. This also happens during mowing. In order to keep the whetstone moist, it is kept in a whetstone holder during this time.

What is meant by pegged dishes?


Dengeling is an art in itself

Dengeling is a method of sharpening scythes and sickles. There is an indispensable work step so that mowing with a scythe does not become a sweaty affair. This technique is based on the art of blacksmithing and uses similar aids. The peening crockery consists of peening hammer with a short handle and peening anvil. It is important that the striking surfaces of the anvil and hammer are slightly rounded on all sides. As a result, only a small point on the cutting edge is hit when knocking, and failures are not a problem.

What models of scythes are there?

There are different scythe leaves for cutting meadows, shrubs or bushes. The basic rule is that the scythe blade should be shorter, the denser and more woody the area to be mowed is. On a normal hay meadow with plenty of space, which is mowed several times a year, you can make good progress with a leaf that is 80 to 90 centimeters long. If the growth opposes resistance, you will achieve good results with a scythe blade of 70 to 80 centimeters. Lignified brushwood is cut with short leaves between 60 and 70 centimeters.

  • grass: long cutting blade with thin and sharp cutting edge
  • Perennials: medium-sized and robust scythe blade with a wider cutting edge
  • Undergrowth: short cutting blade with wide cutting edge

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