Attracting butterflies »This is how you attract insects to your garden

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Attract butterflies with traditional plants

Butterflies cover their energy needs with nectar and pollen. Uniform lawns without flowers far and wide are anathema to the butterflies. Wear a piece of the Sward off, the Veitshöchheimers sow Bee pasture and let yourself be surprised by humming, buzzing and fluttering guests. Transform yours with these flowering traditional plants Natural garden into a swarmed butterfly paradise:

  • Rule of thumb: Attract butterflies with native wild shrubs and exotic plants with unfilled flowers
  • Local selection of plants: Carthusian carnation (Dianthus carthusianorum), Scabiosis (Scabiosa columbaria), wild marjoram (Origanum vulgare)
  • Top butterfly pastures: Buddleia (Buddleja davidii), Flame Flowers (Phlox), Zinnias (Zinnia)

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An irresistible attraction for butterflies is a self-made one Herb spiral made with rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), sage (Salvia) and

Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum). Colorful butterflies frolic on the balcony when the Herbal staircase Oregano (Origanum) and chives (Allium schoenoprasum) provide flower-rich company.

Butterfly magnet: caterpillar forage plants

Butterflies populate the garden and balcony, even if the offspring is taken care of. Caterpillars are not interested in nectar and pollen. For them, plant leaves are at the top of their menu. The more varied the range of forage plants, the more butterfly species there are. The following table gives an overview:

Butterfly species Caterpillar forage plant Botanical name
dovetail Wild carrot Daucus carota
Ox eye and chess board Sweet grasses Poaceae
Little wine lover Bedstraws Galium
Medium wine lover Fuchsia leaves Fuchsia
Brimstone butterfly Buckthorn Frangula alnus
Tree whiteling Hawthorn species Crataegus

A wild corner in the garden makes the hearts of butterfly caterpillars beat faster. Here, the descendants of Admiral, Landkärtchen, Little Fox, Painted Lady and Peacock Butterfly feast on nettles, dandelions or tansy.

A big disappointment for butterfly parents, on the other hand, is a garden full of exotic plants. More than 90 percent of the leaves of tropical flowers, shrubs and trees are inedible to hungry caterpillars.


in the bee-friendly garden give themselves butterflies, wild bees and Bumblebees the handle in the hand. This is achieved by planting local wildflowers close to nature and by consistently avoiding pesticides and artificial fertilizers. The main pillars of garden maintenance are Weed weed by hand, organic Fertilize with compost and plant protection with home remedies.

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