Plant spacing for raspberries »This is how much space they need

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The most important reasons for the correct planting distance

  • Optimal nutrient supply
  • Facilitation of maintenance work
  • Prevents fungal growth
  • Prevents the compaction of the soil

The correct planting distance

Plant raspberries at a distance of at least 40, better still 50 centimeters in the row.

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  • Place raspberries correctly - a rich harvest guaranteed!
  • Preserving raspberries - how to preserve raspberries for a long time
  • Mold on raspberries - causes and preventive measures

The distance to the next row of raspberries should be at least 1.20 meters to 1.50 meters.

Do not place the rows of raspberries too close to other beds.

Prevent fungal infestation by spacing the plants

Mushrooms are very troublesome for raspberries. They take care of Root rot, make the raspberries moldy on the bush and promote rod disease.

Fungi spread very quickly when damp. On the other hand, the fungal spores do less damage on dry leaves and rods.

You should therefore ensure that there is sufficient space between the plants so that the air can circulate well between the shoots. It ensures that the damp plants dry out and the fungus does not find a breeding ground.

Pull weeds and water only in the morning

The ground should always remain free next to and under the raspberry bushes. It is essential to remove weeds so that the plants stand airy.

Always water only in the morning and always only from below. Due to the light and the sun, the plants dry off better during the day than at night.

Cover the soil under the raspberries with a layer of mulch. It prevents the soil from drying out. Weeds can come from under a layer Bark mulch or other mulch material do not emerge as quickly.

Why the planting distance between rows is important

When tending or harvesting raspberry bushes, you inevitably have to step on the ground between the rows. This leads to soil compaction, which is not good for the perennials.

So leave enough space between the rows of raspberries or put a single row straight away Raspberry hedge at. Then frequent walking on the floor will not do any harm.

Tips & Tricks

It is essential to keep a sufficient planting distance to other berry bushes. The plants deprive each other of nutrients. As a result, none of the berry bushes thrive optimally.

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