This is how it gets really clean

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Step 1: remove the stalk

The core of the compact head can be cut out with a knife. It's easier, however, if you hit the iceberg lettuce vigorously on the kitchen worktop with the stink facing downwards. The inedible, hard part breaks out and can then be completely removed.

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Step 2: wash the lettuce

In addition to a large sieve and a salad spinner, you will need a clean, dry kitchen towel for this.

  1. Since the stalk has already been cut out, you can pull the leaves off the head one at a time.
  2. The outer and wilted lettuce leaves are disposed of.
  3. Detach the leaves from each other and place them in the sink previously filled with cold water.
  4. Move the lettuce well so that each leaf is moistened and thoroughly cleaned.
  5. Do not put any pressure on the salad.
  6. Remove from the sink and drain in a colander.
  7. Repeat the process if necessary.
  8. Put the lettuce in the salad spinner and spin well so that the water adhering to the leaves is removed.
  9. If the lettuce is still too damp, you can dab off individual leaves with the cloth.

Step 3: cut up the iceberg lettuce

If you do not want to use the leaves in their entirety, you must now cut them up. There are two different ways of doing this:

  • You can halve the head of lettuce before washing and then cut it into fine strips. In this case, it is washed after cutting.
  • It is better to pluck the already cleaned lettuce leaves into bite-sized pieces. With this variant, more plant sap is retained, as the leaves automatically divide along the leaf veins.

How is iceberg lettuce properly stored?

To prevent the lettuce from rotting, take it out of the plastic wrap and instead wrap it in a dampened tea towel. Then place the head in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. It should not be squeezed as this can cause brown spots.


Because the leaves of iceberg lettuce are so crisp, they stay fresh longer than many other types of lettuce. That makes this salad perfect as an ingredient for sandwiches. Placed on bread in the morning, iceberg lettuce tastes delicious in the office even after many hours.

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